The Bureau is a fresh take on the traditional XCOM games with an emphasis on real time strategy and third person shooter elements. However, there are several flaws that tarnish what could have been a great game. It also lacks a multiplayer aspect, which could have helped increases this title's longevity and value.
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Port Royale 3 Gold Edition Review
There aren't enough sim games on the PlayStation 3, especially when it comes to sim games with RPG elements. It's a niche within a niche - if there were demand for this sort of thing on consoles, no doubt someone would be chugging them out yearly, and yet when they do come out, as with Port Royale 3 Gold Edition, it never feels like you're getting the most bang for your buck.
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Payday 2 Review
Payday 2 worked incredibly well as a digital only co-op shooter, its shortcomings easily overlooked thanks to it offering far more value than its asking price. Payday 2 is bigger in scale and comes with a price boost as a result, but is it a crime gone wrong or a heist worth getting behind?
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Resistance Trilogy Review
Taking on the challenge of creating Sony's own first-person shooter blockbuster, Insomniac Games released Resistance: Fall of Man as a launch title for the PlayStation 3 with two sequels following it afterwards. With a unique alternative history setting fused with science fiction and a flair for designing inventive weaponry, Insomniac created a series that offers three unique first person shooter experiences. And while it may not have reached the popularity it deserved, Resistance offers some of the most exclusive experiences of any shooter.
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Farming Simulator Review
Farming Simulator is exactly what it says it is. It's not Harvest Moon, nor is it a chance to mess around an open world with dangerous farming equipment. There aren't really any objectives, no goals - you just run a farm. Harvesting, planting, cutting grass... this is a farming simulator.
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Tales of Xillia Review
These past eight years has seen a great slew of changes in the video game industry. Whether it is the global domination of Call of Duty and Activision’s implementation of a one year release cycle, the integration of online, the creation of achievements and trophies, or the rise of casual gaming; this generation has changed the medium and its landscape in a multitude of ways. But there was one prominent trend that saddened me, and that is the lack of compelling JRPG titles. However, Tales of Xillia gives me hope. The latest entry in the long running Tales ...
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Strangers Wrath HD Review
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee was a PlayStation staple. Along with Rayman, I'm not sure there was a single person I knew that didn't have that iconic green sewn-up mouth grinning within their PS1 collection. When the Oddworld series jumped to the Xbox, abandoning not only much of the userbase but also, in a small way at first, Abe himself. Stranger's Wrath ended up under-performing and would have been lost to time if not for Just Add Water and their release of Stranger's Wrath HD.
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Dragons Crown Review
I've only tried one other Vanillaware game, and that's Muramasa Rebirth. While I did understand the appeal, it was still an experience that left me feeling cold, and my expectations for their next release plummeted. Regardless, I still felt like I should give their next effort a chance. I'm glad I did, too, because Dragon's Crown is one of the finest games I've played all year.
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Cloudberry Kingdom Review
Imagine a world filled with an adorable, cartoon-like visual style. Suddenly, the level's door opens and out comes this incredibly heroic-looking "Bobâ" figure, cape and all. Now, out of nowhere, this incredibly exhilarating music fades in... and you set your eyes upon the trials that lie before you, from two measly spikes to a fear inducing 2% of unoccupied screen space.
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Killzone HD Review
In 2004, Sony Computer Entertainment acquired a somewhat unknown Amsterdam based studio called Guerrilla Games. At the time, the studio had really only produced one game: a multiplatform third-person shooter set in the Vietnam War called Shellshock: Nam '67. Though Shellshock went mostly unheard of, one title of theirs began to stir some excitement amongst gamers, generating considerable hype: Killzone.
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