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RIP E3: The end of Era
Well, its over folks. E3 is over. Thats all folks! Here’s the official statement and some thoughts for us after. RIP E3. We knew this was coming. E3 was taking on less importance and the event didn’t even take place this year or last. The writing seemed to be on the wall. And so now here we are. Its been officially confirmed that there will be no more E3. With the rise of digital events, first from Nintendo, then Sony…

The Legend of Zelda: The Voice Behind the Character
Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon are among the most popular, infamous, and memorable video games of the 1990’s. Initially released to positive reviews, it has since become a cult classic among gamers for its iconic soundtrack, voice acting, animated sequences, and gameplay. It was released on October 10, 1993 on the Phillips CD-I as part of a licensing agreement where Phillips would design the Super NES’s CD-ROM add-on. I had the privilege of speaking…

More Thoughts From Me: Wii Sports Nostalgia
Ah, Wii Sports. When the Wii first came out, everyone was crazy for it. I remember playing the game a lot with my parents. It was also the most popular game that I showed to some friends one time too. It was a free pack-in with the Wii and it worked. And now, Nintendo Sports is coming out Friday and so of course, I’m getting all nostalgic for Wii Sports! We didn’t buy a Wii at launch. Those things were…

More Thoughts From Me #265: Closing Down the (Digital) Shop
This week we got rumors that the PS3/PSP/Vita digital stores will be shutting down this year. Usually I do not report or even talk about rumors. That said, the closing of those shops will happen sooner or later! What do I think of digital stores closing? Let’s dig into it. Its always tough when digital store fronts close down. We all know why this happens: digital stores take up server space for companies. They cost money to keep up and…

Top 5 2D Mario Adventures
Super Mario 35 is insanely popular with Mario fans, and to celebrate this fantastic game, we are looking at our Top 5 2D Mario Adventures of all time. Buckle up and get ready for a ride through my favourites, but be sure to comment yours below! Let's go!

Ranking 3D Mario Adventure Games
Over the past few weeks, our staff have had the opportunity to play through and review Super Mario 3D All Stars on the Nintendo Switch, and one of the best aspects of having so many different opinions was seeing how diverse everyone's tastes were. The guy who grew up playing Super Mario 64 thought it was the best, while the youngest on staff thought Super Mario Galaxy was the best. Well, we've decided to rank them for you, and since I've got the pen and paper, I guess it's my list that we will publish! Let's rank all the 3D Mario Adventure Games from worst to best!

More Thoughts From Me #229: A Look Back At All the Paper (Mario)
Paper Mario: The Origami King will be coming out very soon (July 17th) and so I thought I’d take a look back at previous Paper Mario games. Here they are: the good, the bad, and the ugly… The newest Paper Mario game will be coming out soon. So its time to take a look back at the good, the bad, and the ugly of the series. Let’s start at the beginning… Paper Mario: Debuting on the Nintendo 64, this game…

Is the Nintendo Switch That Much Different Than the Nintendo Wii U (Software)?
With E3 and other major gaming conventions being cancelled around the globe, online events have slowly begun rolling out, making big game announcements and showing off new technologies. Last weeks announcement that Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 and 2 were being bundled together in a new package highlighted another question that has been bugging me for weeks, if not months - when it comes to available software, is the Nintendo Switch that much different than the Nintendo Wii U?

More Thoughts From Me #198: My Top 10 Favorite Games of All-Time
I may have written about this topic before but its worth revisiting because my favorite games of “all-time” list changes every so often. For this list I am limiting myself to one game per franchise because, honestly, most of my list would be Animal Crossing and Dragon Quest if I didn’t do that. Both of those games will have a game on this list of course. And so off we go! Starting with 10. 10. Star Wars: Knights of the…

More Thoughts From Me #193: Happy Halloween 2019
Its my favorite time of the year again: October, which means Halloween is just around the corner. I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before but it bares repeating again, I love Halloween. The candy, the spooky stuff, everything. I’m too old to go trick or treating but I still enjoy eating candy and watching spooky shows/movies this time of year. I also love playing spooky video games! Here’s what I’ve played lately and what I’ll play soon. This year, I got…