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BAFTA Games 2013 Recap
Last week saw the return of an annual event that gamers, game developers and game enthusiasts look forward to each year, a prestigious show that celebrates the achievements of the games that have wowed us, and the people behind them. I speak, of course, about the BAFTA Video Game Awards. This year’s BAFTAs saw the true potential of Indie games, with the small games beating out some of the behemoths in the industry in true David versus Goliath fashion. The…

Saruman Unleashed for Guardians of Middle-Earth
Although Guardians of Middle-Earth was far from perfect, its biggest strength was in bringing the MOBA genre so successfully to consoles. Perhaps it’s just as impressive to see how well Warner Bros. and Monolith are continuing to support it. They’ve announced today that they’re releasing Isengard’s very own wizard of many colours, Saruman, as a purchasable guardian. You’ll be able to make buy him from both the PlayStation Store and Xbox Live. Saruman is part of the Enchanter class, although…

Hitman Absolution Online Players Bring in the Bucks
An infographic released by Square Enix today proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the online portion of the excellent Hitman Absolution is doing very well. Players have collectively earned 1.77 Trillion dollars, and the most played levels have collectively seen nearly 1.5 million plays. It also showed that Spain has the world’s most efficient snipers by some 20 kills per user. If there was a country in Europe to be suspicious of, we may just have found it.…

Geoff Keighley to Interview Joakim at Moby Dick Studios
Geoff Keighley is today interviewing the head of Moby Dick Studios. The most impressive thing about this is that the mysterious Joakim Mogren almost certainly doesn’t exist… Keighley tweeted earlier that he was going out to meet the lead on The Phantom Pain, the game that many concluded was actually Metal Gear Solid V. Joakim is, of course, an anagram of Kojima and anybody with even a passing interest in the Metal Gear series recognized references and flat out signs…

Star Wars Battlefront III Test Put on Hold after Disney Acquisition
In the middle of 2012, LucasArts registered a domain for Star Wars: First Assault - it was around the same time they registered 1313. We found out a little more about First Assault in October, when a picture leaked from XBLA and someone close to the project gave a few details. First Assault was a multiplayer shooter that would lay the foundation for a possible Battlefront III. It has now been put on indefinite hold.

Microsoft Cancels Xbox Live Family Pack
The Xbox Live Family Pack allowed groups of gamers to get four accounts upgraded to gold at a discount price, alongside a few other helpful features (like parental controls). At only $99 for a year, it really did offer a competitive option for groups of Xbox owners. That option has today been removed. Without offering much explanation, the Xbox Live Family offer has been closed down. As of earlier today, it was possible to still click the advertisement for the…

Team Meat on Consoles: “it goes from us making art and it turns into business.”
Team Meat have been pretty vocal about their time spent developing Super Meat Boy on Xbox 360 – it wasn’t a good time. When they first shared their experiences in September 2011, a lot of other developers came forward and had similar comments. In short, Microsoft didn’t care about smaller developers, and made it pretty clear that appearing on a Microsoft console was reward enough for months of sweat and hard work. Some had hoped that the “outing” might have…

Walking Dead Season 2 Coming This Autumn
The first season of Telltale’s Walking Dead game has been both critically acclaimed and a huge success with fans. The only real problem seems to be that the second season can’t get here fast enough. There was a rumour in recent weeks that those that loved the first set of episodes might have to wait another year and a half to find out what happens next, but, thankfully, that has turned out not to be true. After hearing the rumours,…

GDC Study Reveals State of the Industry
Just prior to this year’s Game Developers Conference, researchers for the event polled more than 2,500 North American game developers in order to get an idea of just how the industry is doing. Their results have revealed interesting trends with regards to what platforms are getting the most attention. The most interesting data collected by GDC researchers has to do with what platforms are being worked on. Dedicated handhelds are getting minimal support, with only 4.2% currently working on a…

Dead Space 4 NOT Cancelled, Peter Moore Calls out “Shoddy Website Journalism”
After rumours that Dead Space 4 had been cancelled thanks to the poor sales of Dead Space 3, the web imploded with anger against EA, first for daring to ignore what the fans wanted for the franchise and then for putting business and money ahead of, well, anything. The site from which the claim originated, Video Gamer, brought in a ton of hits, watched the drama unfold and laughed as every EA hater in the world picked up their pitchfork…