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Scorpion enters Kombat in Injustice: Gods Among Us
Warner Brothers have announced that the next piece of DLC for superhero brawler will be the iconic Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. Bragging a new design by Jim Lee at DC entertainment, this isn't the first time a Mortal Kombat character has taken on the likes of Batman and Superman, but it might just be the deadliest.

PS3 overtakes 360 in Worldwide Sales
The Global Hardware Charts over at VGChartz estimates that the PS3 is now ahead of the 360 in total console sales. With 77,313,472 units sold to the 360's 77,311,669 that puts Sony's console in 2nd place of this generation of home consoles after 7 years of being in 3rd place.

Saints Row IV: Free “Commander In Chief” Edition Announced – The World NEEDS You!
Saints Row IV has you take on the role of the President of the US who must defend his nation and the world from a invading race of aliens. He'll do this by using kick-ass superpowers and massive weapons in the Saints Row over-the-top style that the series is best know for. It'll be available August 20th.

Xbox Live possibly hacked. 48 Million user passwords posted online
The 6.8GB of data posted on Pastebin by a hacker going by the name of Reckz0r contains 48 million email addresses and passwords for Xbox Live accounts. As of now this is still a rumour as Microsoft have yet to confirm or deny the hack

Mirror’s Edge 2 at E3? Retailer Listing Renews Chances
The German branch of Amazon have a page up for Mirror's Edge 2, and are taking pre-orders. The original first person free-running game gained a pretty huge following after a lacklustre start, and both DICE and EA have hinted that a return to the series may be on the books. The fact that it's turned up at retail means this has a pretty good chance of becoming a reality.

More GTA5 Screenshots released
R* released yet another batch of mouth watering screenshots for the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto 5. Be sure to click on each image below for a full size view. Grand Theft Auto 5 is due for release in September for PS3 and Xbox 360.…

Metal Gear Solid 5 intro by Kyle Cooper
Every MGS fan knows you can't have a Metal Gear Solid without a good opening cinematic. It's a staple of the series just like the Bond opening minutes. Thankfully we can probably rest easy as the Unofficial Metal Gear Solid website recently reported that game director Hideo Kojima revealed he was...

New Battlefield 4 Screenshot Released
The highly anticipated Battlefield 4 is due within the next six months and is no doubt going to be a must-buy for early adopters of next-gen consoles. It's understandable that people are getting more than a little excited about the whole thing, and DICE have released two new screenshots as a reward for their ever-obsessed community.

Call of Duty Ghosts: officially announced
Activision has officially announced the arrival of the next title in the Call of Duty franchise, Call of Duty: Ghosts. A poster of the game was revealed before, showing the face of a soldier half covered with a skull-in-hood. You can already watch the first trailer of the title developed by Infinity Ward . Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing, Inc explained the new title: “Ghosts delivers an all-new story, all-new characters, an all-new Call of Duty world, all powered…

New Borderlands 2 character available May 14
It was made clear that Borderlands 2 would be receiving a sixth playable character class in the form of Krieg, the Psycho Bandit. Although we knew he was well on his way after the PAX East gameplay demo, actual release details were never shared… Until today!