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The Walking Dead Season 2 Coming Soon to Vita?
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1 made it to a variety of platforms late last year and the second episode became available in February. Despite that, there's still not been much in the way of talk about the Vita version. Those that wanted to make difficult moral decisions concerning zombies while in the bathroom or on the bus were flat out of luck. That seems like it's about to change.

There’s A Lot of Ways to Die in Oddworld
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty is well on its way and is looking great. Every set of screenshots, every new piece of information shows a game that's honest to the original Oddysee, but that has been improved upon with modern technology. At GDC this week, Just Add Water and Oddworld Inhabitants released a brand new video showing off some familiar, but excitingly new gameplay.

New LEGO The Hobbit Trailer Released
While the Lord of the Rings franchise focussed on a small group of people changing the world in a big way, The Hobbit was more about the group (at least up to a point). This isn't something that's been lost on the team behind LEGO The Hobbit either, as they've added new ways for you to work together with your "buddies." Warner Brothers today released a new trailer showcasing these new abilities, and the importance of your group.

Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition Coming to PS4
After quite a lot of rumours, and a leaked PS+ list for next month, it seems much of it has been confirmed. Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition has been announced for PlayStation 4 over on the Asian PlayStation Blog, along with the reveal that it'll be free on PlayStation plus. No more information is given, but I imagine we'll be finding out the specifics over the next few days.

Batman Arkham Origins: Blackgate coming to PS3, 360, Wii U
The 2.5D Metroidvania entry in the Batman Arkham city will be coming to PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii U in April this year, Warner Brothers have announced. Batman Arkham Origins: Blackgate was a handheld exclusive that took place after Arkham Origins and was set in - can you guess - Blackgate Prison. Blackmask, Joker and Penguin all want to cause trouble, and it's up to you as The Bat to sort it all out.

60% of PS4 Owners have a Vita
Sony's handheld that could might not be, but that doesn't mean it's a complete failure. The Vita is a technical powerhouse, and the capabilities of it make it well worth picking up. That's only been improved upon since the release of the PlayStation 4 as well. Maybe that's why such a huge amount of PS4 owners have decided to pick up a Vita as well.

Sly Trilogy and God of War Collection Coming to Vita
Sony have this morning announced the Sly Cooper Trilogy and God of War Collection is coming to PlayStation Vita. Both collections were rated quite some time ago, so we had a feeling that they'd eventually be made available, but Sony's silence and their policy not to comment on rumour means this is the first time we've really had a steadfast confirmation.

Dynasty Warriors 8 PS4, Vita Release Date Announced
Koei have just unleashed a new website for Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends, and alongside it have announced a new set of information about the Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition on PlayStation 4 and Vita. Fans of the franchise will be happy to know they can transfer their saves, and everybody else should be saving their pennies for new-gen battlefield action.

Velocity 2X Trailer Released
FuturLab have today released a trailer for their upcoming Velocity 2X, the sequel to the top-ranking Velocity Ultra. Along with the same awesome top-down gameplay that impressed when the original came out last year, Velocity 2X also boasts Metroid-esque action sequences. If you thought you needed to be multi-skilled to make it to the top in Velocity, Velocity 2X is going to be a completely different ball game.

Sony: Vita Won’t Outsell PSP
The PSP might be a distant memory for some of us, but it sold incredibly well. With well over 70 million units shipped, it remains an important if under-appreciated effort. The PlayStation Vita is way behind that curve, so far behind that even Sony would be surprised if the Vita managed to catch up.