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One More Dungeon crawls onto the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Vita This Year

Ratalaika Games is of the best Indie publishers out there. They have a new game, League of Evil, coming to the Switch next week! And today they announced that they will be bringing another game, One More Dungeon, to the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Vita later this year.


One More Dungeon, developed by Stately Snail will be coming to the Nintendo Switch, Vita, and PlayStation 4 later this year thanks to Ratalaika Games. The game is a first person action rpg, a.k.a dungeon crawler. The big thing that makes One More Dungeon unique is that the game’s graphics are pixelated! The game, overall, looks pretty cool.

Don’t believe me? Take a look at this trailer of the game:

And here’s some more information for the game via a PR e-mail we received:

“One More Dungeon is a first person shooter roguelike, with procedurally generated levels and pixel-art graphics.

A roguelike that places you in the shoes of a nameless adventure seeker, whose job is to reach the final level deep within the dungeon and destroy the obelisks that are used by the forces of Evil to invade the world.

Getting there won’t be easy though as lots of enemies stand between you and your goal, but the good news is you can use all kinds of a melee weapons, magic staffs, and antique artefacts to burst your way through them.”

What do you think of One More Dungeon?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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