As was originally hinted earlier this week, Sony have today announced the PlayStation Vita Slim will be making it's way westward. Don't open your wallet just yet - there's a few things that might raise a few eyebrows. It's good news, but it's definitely not all good news.
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PS Vita Slim To Be Announced Soon?
The PS Vita Slim is already a thing - in Japan. It's 20% slimmer than its original counterpart and has been unavailable in the west. That looks like it's just about to change. IGN have recieved an invite to a press reveal promising the slimmest launch in PlayStation history. Just what on earth could that mean?
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EU PlayStation Plus Announcement Coming Tomorrow
The leak has you salivating - it's almost too good to be true. Might PlayStation Plus in EU territories really contain both Bioshock Infinite and Metro: Last Light? There's only one barrier stopping you from getting too excited: it's yet to be officially confirmed. Today, Sony's Fred Dutton has confirmed that they're hoping to have the Instant Game Collection announcement up tomorrow.
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February PlayStation Plus EU Update Leaked?
It looks like the February content for Europe's PlayStation Plus content may have been leaked, and boy is it a good'n. There's enough here to keep you going for the full year, let alone just for February, and owners of each console are going to be hard pushed to get through it all. Still, it's hard to deny the value, even if it just sits in your download list for the next six months.
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Sony Announce PlayStation Now
There's been a lot of speculation about what Sony will be looking to do with the Cloud, and it seems like they might have been reading an awful lot of what people expect from the service online. It's slightly underwhelming in just how right many of us were about it, but in every other way I'm not sure they could handle it any better. There are a few questions left to be asked - which probably means we won't like the answers - but so far we're impressed.
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Valkyria Chronicles 3 Translated to English by Fans
Valkria Chronicles 3, the tactical RPG from SEGA, has finally been translated into English for the very first time. This is great news for all the English fans out there who were yet to get to play the latest in the franchise! It will be interesting to see how it's rated compared to countries like Japan who have been playing it for a while.
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Naughty Dog Are “Only” Working on Last of Us DLC and Uncharted
It's nothing to sniff at, but everything Naughty Dog are working on has been announced. There's no secret Last of Us 2 being built behind closed doors, no Jak 4 on the horizon. This was revealed at the PlayStation Blog when somebody asked whether they would be bringing anything to Vita. The answer was fairly final.
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Analysts: “Sony Has 79% Chance of Going Bankrupt in Next Two Years”
The PlayStation 4 has had a fantastic launch, and Sony Computer Entertainment are no doubt hungrily planning what to do next. It's an amazing piece of technology, and one that gamers are buying up in their droves. Sony aren't only known for their gaming consoles, however, and in other areas things aren't going nearly as well.
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Gravity Rush 2 Systems Being “Put In Place”
The original Gravity Rush was a quirky action adventure that, more than perhaps anything else at the time, showed off just how awesome the Vita was. It did something innovative and different, while remaining fun and grounded. Not many games manage to pull that off, and a sequel was inevitable (and welcome). Good news all around: the sequel is coming along nicely, and systems for the new game are currently being put in place.
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Bioshock Infinite, Persona IV Golden Coming to PlayStation Plus?
It would seem that Bioshock Infinite and Persona IV: The Golden might be coming to PlayStation Plus in the near future, or at the very least receive heavy discounts.
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