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EU PlayStation Plus Announcement Coming Tomorrow


The leak has you salivating – it’s almost too good to be true. Might PlayStation Plus in EU territories really contain both Bioshock Infinite and Metro: Last Light? There’s only one barrier stopping you from getting too excited: it’s yet to be officially confirmed. Today, Sony’s Fred Dutton has confirmed that they’re hoping to have the Instant Game Collection announcement up tomorrow.

Answering a question from a reader, Dutton commented on the PlayStation Blog:

Sorry to keep you waiting, we hope to announce this tomorrow.

It seems especially late this month, although really any amount of heads-up is better than none. The last few months seem to have been announced well in advance, and they’ve also been released slightly earlier. The delay in announcement might just be because we won’t be getting the Plus update until February 5th, or it might be a rights issue. If it’s the latter, the leaked list might now be incorrect (and it could have easily been wrong to begin with). For that reason alone, it might be worth expecting the worst – an old PSP game and a copy of Aliens: Colonial Marines maybe – and being pleasantly surprised if the leak turns out to be at all true.


It’s official. Sony have posted an image of next month’s games to the PlayStation Store.

PlayStation Plus


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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