A new trailer for Cars 3: Driven to Win was released today. We have the trailer, some additional information on the game, and my opinion on the new trailer. Cars 3: Driven to Win is coming out on June 13 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch and Wii U. According to a PR e-mail we received the game will feature six game modes: ” Race: Players can hop onto the tracks and race against Lightning…
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LEGO Dimensions – The Goonies Level Pack
If you haven’t seen the Goonies movie you are doing an incredible disservice to yourself. Stop what you are doing, stop reading this review, and go watch it. Then come back. Through various levels, the developers behind LEGO Dimensions have done an excellent job recreating the Goonies movie in LEGO form, allowing you to play as various Goonies and the main man Sloth, as you finish the adventure, collect red bricks, and explore every inch of the world.
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LEGO Dimensions – LEGO City Fun Pack Review
LEGO City Undercover was an excellent release way back on the Wii U, and got its deserved rerelease on all platforms early this year. Not to lose out on that hype, Travelers Tales has officially launched the LEGO City Fun Pack for LEGO Dimensions, bringing Chase McCain and a cast of other characters over to the LEGO Dimensions universe. While this obviously isn't a 1-for-1 remake of the full fledged LEGO City Undercover title, it is a wonderful addition to the Dimensions world, and might even entice those who have yet to play the full Chase McCain adventure, ...
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LEGO Dimensions Wave 8 Unboxing and Build: The Goonies
After getting all his chores complete and his homework finished, the highlight of my sons evening last night was busting open The Goonies level pack for LEGO Dimensions and putting together the wicked looking minibuilds that come included. While my overall knowledge of The Goonies is fairly minimal, you cannot help but appreciate how much detail goes in to One Eyed Willy's Pirate Ship and the Skeleton Organ. Watch the unboxing and build video below, and then read our thoughts on the LEGO portion of this LEGO Dimensions Level Pack!
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Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment AND Disney ANNOUNCE CARS 3: DRIVEN TO WIN
Warner Bros Interactive and Disney are teaming up to bring race fans of all ages a new game! Cars 3: Driven to Win will be coming to the Wii U, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One! Cars 3: Driven to Win will be coming to all current generation and last generation systems (including the Wii U!) on June 13, 2017. We have a press release detailing the game. Check it out: “Toronto, ON – April…
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More Thoughts From Me #62: Alas, Playstation 3
Recently, I heard that Sony would be discontinuing the Playstation 3 in Japan. Its amazing that it took them this long, what with the Playstation 4 doing so well. I use to own the system, but traded mine in awhile back. I still miss the Playstation 3 to this day. There were a lot of wonderful games on the system. I thought that now would be a great time to look back at my Playstation 3 memories and the games…
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LEGO Batman Movie Story Pack – LEGO Dimensions
Fresh of watching the LEGO Batman Movie, I was ready to jump into the world via LEGO Dimensions thanks to the great folks over at Warner Bros. in Canada. The movie was fantastic - not The LEGO Movie fantastic, but still really good and full of laughs - so I obviously had high hopes for the story pack. From the build to the gameplay, there was a steady progression of awesomeness (because everything is awesome), from severe disappointment to outright excitement. Find out what we thought below!
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PDP Pixel Pals a Must Own this Holiday
There are a ton of collectibles on the marketplace, whether it is Dorbz or Funko Pops, but there is always room for more. People love to collect stuff, there is no doubt about it, and famed toy, peripheral, and hardware makers Performance Design Products (PDP) is getting in on the action with their new line of figures, the Pixel Pals.
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LEGO Dimensions – Fantastic Beasts Story Pack
The wizarding world of Harry Potter is back in full force with a brand new movie in theatres - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - and some new LEGO sets for us all to play with. LEGO Dimensions has created a new Story Pack behind this new blockbuster hit, and we think it is FANTASTIC! Read on for more!
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LEGO Dimensions – Adventure Time Team Pack
We recently took a look at the Adventure Time Level pack, and thoroughly enjoyed what we got in the package. The world is beautifully detailed with that Adventure Time esthetic, and the gameplay itself is different enough to make it feel fresh, but still that classic LEGO action. The Adventure Time Team Pack doesn't add anything new in terms of environments, but brings to life more characters and vehicles from the Adventure Time franchise.
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