This week, toys-to-life fans were dealt a major shock when Disney announced that they were ending Disney Infinity and also closing the company that made it. Not only that, but Disney is getting out of making games altogether! My thoughts on the game, this shocking announcement and Disney leaving the industry are below. Also: I’m asking all of our readers: What do you think of all of this? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! Disney announced that they were…
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Battlefield Premium DLC Free for All on Xbox One, PS4
Although rumors have surfaced that EA is giving away Battlefield Hardline and Battlefield 4 Premium DLC first to only EA Access members, many outlets are reporting - and many consumers are indicating - that this DLC has been free since earlier this week for all Xbox and Playstation owners.
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Hitman: Episode 2
You if look back on our original Hitman Prologue and Episode 1 review, you will find a constant theme. This game has a huge wow factor that not many games pull off. Hitman, at least this time around - previous games in the franchise pale in comparison - has done a brilliant job of combining stealth, strategy, and assassination.
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More Thoughts From Me #16: A Whole Lot of Disney
I’m a Disney fan. I won’t claim that I like everything Disney does, but I like a bunch of what they do. And one of my favorite things they did was with Square Enix. I’m talking about Kingdom Hearts of course. Specifically I’m talking about Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. If you ever want to play a love letter to Disney fans, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 are for you! Lets take a trip down Disney memory lane. There is…
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More Thoughts From Me #14: Stop With The Rumors Already!
” Hey listen…I’ve heard that the NX is…”. On the internet, anybody can say anything they want. They can tell you the truth and they can lie too. Oh boy they can lie. People especially love to make up rumors about stuff that they love or think they’ll love. They do that with things they hate too. When it comes to video games, this is pretty common. The worst part though is that fan sites will report these rumors…. Rumors…
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Formula Changing for LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens
Travelers Tales has been making LEGO games for a very long time now, and although they have their peaks and valleys, we all know that generally, they make a really solid, family friendly game. The fact that they are going to mess with the original formula for The Force Awakens game is surprising, but yet expected. In an email from Warner Bros. today, we got a first hand look at what might be coming in the next LEGO game, slated to launch this summer.
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More Thoughts From Me #10: Video Games Don’t Need Stories
One of my early entries to this column said that every video game needed a story. Now I’m back to give you the opposite position: Video Games don’t need stories! Tetris, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, and many other games do not have stories. After my last article about video games needing stories, I had some people say, ” Ya, but this game doesn’t have one.” And its true. Not all video games need stories. In fact, I’ll just…
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May the Lego Force Be With You: Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is Coming In June
Traveler’s Tales has created a lot of Lego games for multiple consoles. The Lego game that started it all was Lego Star Wars and now Traveler’s Tales is going back to that Galaxy Far Far Away. Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been announced and it will be coming in June 2016! Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be coming to multiple systems (Wii U, PS4, Xbox One, etc) on June 28th. Game Informer will feature the…
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First Few Hours of Just Cause 3
I received a copy of Just Cause 3 a few days ahead of its December 1st launch and realized one thing really quickly: the story in this game is pretty bad, but that does not matter in the slightest. Do not get me wrong, this game is outstanding and anyone picking up a Just Cause title for the story is doing it wrong. Reality check: Just Cause 3 is all about explosions, bigger explosions, and incredibly and physically impossible explosions. Explosions, explosions, explosions.
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Gaming Deals Across North America
The Black Friday craziness has begun, and although you might not be getting the door crasher or lightning deals, there is still plenty of good options out there. Although this list does not include links, it hopefully will point you in the right directions. These are some of our personal favorite games and accessories. Most - although not all - of these deals are Canada specific with the price, but available across North America.
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