People are talking about Final Fantasy XIII again. A vaguely worded Square Enix post on Twitter has fans discussing the possibility of a remake. But is it a trilogy that even needs a major revisit? XIII was an important game to me, for a variety of reasons some too personal to get into. But it was the first Final Fantasy game I’d covered as press. I was surprised people were so vehemently against it at the time, and especially because…
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GameScent: The Stink of AI
How much would you spend to be able to smell the things you can see on your screen? If your answer was a sensible “absolutely nothing”, you’re about $150 off. That’s exactly what GameScent is offering. And no, we don’t know why. In the history of gaming, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a single tweet, forum post or opinion piece saying “Ya know what? It would be pretty cool to be able to smell this game”. There are probably…
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Rebirth Day Is Nearly Here
It’s shocking to think that within a day or so we’ll be playing Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth. But I’ve checked the calendar a good few times, and it’s definitely true. Yesterday, when the original Final Fantasy VII: Remake came out, it was divisive for only covering the adventure up until the end of Midgar. Now we’ll be able to see what comes next. Only it wasn’t yesterday. It was four years ago. Which is pretty short by game development times,…
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Jet Set Radio To Return?
If there was an icon of the early noughties, Jet Set Radio seems to be a contender. It had the music, the feel, the unique look and gameplay. SEGA had a winning formula. And then they just stopped. Until now. The original game was popular enough, and the sequel on Xbox seems to have a decent following as well. But, like Shenmue, it just kind of dropped off the planet. Which is a shame, because unique colourful games were sorely…
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The Walking Dead – Ten Years On
It was ten years ago that the first series of Telltale’s The Walking Dead changed how we think about those kinds of video games. And maybe all video games. Two seasons into the TV series, fans found a new way of looking at the fictional Walker-fied universe – but it didn’t stop there. Thanks to being available on every single device in existence, as well as the episodic format, it quickly spread to a more casual audience. It wasn’t the…
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Batman Bundle is a Humble Triumph
Sometimes it feels like the days of extreme PC discounts is long gone – and then you see the new Batman Humble Bundle and the memories all come flooding back. For less than £8 – somewhere around $10 – you can have almost every great Batman game made in the last 15 years. And it’s well worth every penny. The bundle includes Arkham Asylum, City and Knight, as well as the often forgotten (officially) Origins. You’ll also get three Lego…
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Returning to the original God of War is Tough
God of War is a hallowed series, there’s no doubt about it. Spoken about in hushed tones, remembered fondly and regularly as the definition of a PlayStation classic. And rightly so. But those original games haven’t aged particularly well, and are made worse for how hard they are to play decently. That’s not to say the effort isn’t worth it. If you’re happy to laugh at a few cheesy mini-games or poorly put together cutscenes, you’ll have a great time.…
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Dear Xbox, Please Save Raven’s Wolfenstein
You may have heard about Microsoft's recent $7.5 billion acquisition of ZeniMax Media. It's kind of a big deal.
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More Thoughts From Me #265: Closing Down the (Digital) Shop
This week we got rumors that the PS3/PSP/Vita digital stores will be shutting down this year. Usually I do not report or even talk about rumors. That said, the closing of those shops will happen sooner or later! What do I think of digital stores closing? Let’s dig into it. Its always tough when digital store fronts close down. We all know why this happens: digital stores take up server space for companies. They cost money to keep up and…
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‘Never Be Game Over’: Inside the Community Still Trying to Solve Metal Gear Solid V’s Biggest Mysteries
There are a small but dedicated group still trying to find meaning in Metal Gear Solid V’s biggest mysteries. There aren’t many of them, but five years on they’re still trying to work out the hidden secrets that will – they hope – fill in the game’s blanks. “Never Be Game Over” is a subreddit that has more than 15,000 subscribers, and since its creation they have broken down the game to its very core in the hopes that suddenly…
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