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blank News 10 years ago

SteamWorld Heist Blasting Onto Devices in Spring 2015

A few weeks back, I reviewed SteamWorld Dig on the Wii U. The game was so fantastic, I've now owned it on multiple different platforms including my Wii U for at home and 3DS for on the road. The game is that good. If you haven't picked it up, stop reading this useless announcement, grab the game and play it, and come back to read this at your convenience. After all, the release date for their next title isn't until Spring 2015.

blank Articles, News 10 years ago

Microsoft Buys Mojang and Minecraft for Estimated 2.5 Billions

It is official. Mojang posted on their own website that, "Yes, the deal is real. Mojang is being bought by Microsoft." This is probably great news for Microsoft as purchasing a giant such as Minecraft is bound to make them a lot more than they spent. One thing Microsoft isn't getting, however, is the brilliant mind of Minecraft creator, Notch.

blank News 10 years ago

Forza Horizon 2: Team Races Club Division Explained

Imagine that your Forza Horizon 2 Club decides to head into team racing and you come across a team smaller than your own. What happens? Does the game split up your Club despite the fact that you'll all be scoring points towards the same goal? Does the race go ahead unevenly, sacrificing fairness for overall scoring purposes? Thankfully, neither of these options are true, as explained by Ian Webster of Team 10 earlier today.

blank News 11 years ago

Tomb Raider Writer Attacked over Xbox Exclusivity

While many of us were far from happy about Microsoft's "acquisition" of Rise of the Tomb Raider, some took it further than others. That's the problem with having such ready access to people via the internet: it's not difficult to hunt them down and attack them when something they're involved with becomes controversial, even if the person being attacked had nothing to do with the decision. That's what happened yesterday with Tomb Raider and Rhianna Pratchett.

blank News 11 years ago

£170 Master Chief Collection Sold Out Already

This morning various outlets reported on a version of the Master Chief Collection. It comes complete with a statue of the titular hero and cost somewhere in the region of £170. Just a few hours after those stories hit the web, Game have sold out of copies. If you were interested in receiving the statue alongside your limited edition version of the remaster collection, you'd better start searching eBay instead.

blank News 11 years ago

UK Consumers Paying More for Gadgets… Even Excluding Tax

Thinking of buying a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox One this year? If you happen to be living in the UK, there's a good chance that you're going to get ripped off. It's almost certain that you'll end up paying upwards of £57 more than you would if you bought the console in the United States, and that's before you add tax.

blank News 11 years ago

Square Enix Send Cease and Desist to Type-0 Fan Translators

Well, it wasn't hard to see this one coming. Square Enix, after announcing that they'll be bringing Final Fantasy Type-0 westward via the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, have decided to shut down the fan translation of the original game that has been going on for some time and was incredibly near completion. The question isn't why they've done it, but how on earth Square Enix didn't contact them six months ago when the official project began.

blank News 11 years ago

Mass Effect 4 Survey has received “Overwhelming Response”

After the fanbase-splitting ending to Mass Effect 3, a survey concerning the future of the franchise was always going to bring out people who wanted their opinions heard. While it's hard to envy the guy that has to go through it all over the coming months, one thing is certain: there have been an awful lot of responses.

blank News 11 years ago

Tekken 7 Announced, Runs on Unreal 4

Early this morning, Bandai Namco and Epic Games announced that Tekken 7 was in development for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Epic games?! That's right, the next Tekken game is being built in Unreal 4, and is said to be using everything that engine offers in order to make a visually stunning, quick-paced fighting title.

blank News 11 years ago

2K Games Announces Battleborn

2k Games have announced Battleborn, which is described as a next-gen hero-shooter that will be available on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC. From Gearbox, the creators of Borderlands, the CGI reveal trailer showed no gameplay, but focused on five different characters all presumably playable that aide each other in battle from an onslaught of seemingly endless enemies. The game is said to have both a co-operative campaign as well as competitive multiplayer matches and will feature a multitude of formidable heroes.