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blank News 11 years ago

Ubisoft just topped it’s own record for day one game sales with Watch_dogs

After just over two years in development delay limbo, to it's eventual release just two days ago, Watch dogs has been hyped as one of the big new IPs to watch out for (excuse the terrible pun).

blank News 11 years ago

Warrior Orochi 3 Ultimate Coming soon to Ps4 and XBOX One

Tecmo Koei Europe announced today that the latest in the Warriors Orochi series is currently in development. Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is coming to PS3, PS4, PSVita and the Xbox One and contains the full Warriors Orochi 3, as well as new stories and features. It is the first in the series to be released on the flagship PS4 and Xbox One systems.

blank News 11 years ago

We may not see The Elder Scrolls Online PS4/One until 2015

Following on from the recent delay of six months for The Elder Scrolls Online on the Xbox One and PS4, an interview with creative director Paul Sage on IGN has cast doubt over whether or not it will be released before the end of the year.

blank News 11 years ago

Batman: Arkham Knight first gameplay trailer released

Let's back up a little, because the new trailer for Rocksteady's latest Batman offering; Batman: Arkham Knight has a whole lot of the good stuff to drool over.

blank News 11 years ago

Microsoft Announce Halo 5: Guardians

I suppose you think Halo 5 was already announced and official, right? Well, technically it was. Microsoft confirmed that it existed and that there would one day be a Halo game taking advantage of Xbox One features - as if there was ever any doubt - but today they reconfirmed it by announcing it all over again. Halo 5: Guardians will be developed by 343 Industries and will be available for purchase in Fall 2015.

blank News 11 years ago

Ubisoft Didn’t Interfere in Child of Light Development

It's a well believed idea that major publishers hate originality and that they'll take a direct hand in development if they don't like the direction a game is going. While that may well happen, Child of Light writer Jeffrey Yohalem was surprised to find Ubisoft was nothing but supportive of his fairy tale RPG.

blank News 11 years ago

EA and Respawn to Continue Publishing Deal

Talks of sequels, extra platforms and an extended DLC release schedule might not have been enough to tip us all off that EA really wants Titanfall to become an industry staple. Thankfully, in an investor call today, the publisher has confirmed that they have extended their deal with Vince Zampella and the team at Respawn. That means Titanfall 2 is definitely happening.

blank News 11 years ago

Koei Tecmo Registers Xtreme Beach Volleyball – Expect 1080p Boobs

There's one thing everybody thinks when they see Dead or Alive or one of its beach-based spin-offs for the first time - man, this would be so much better at a higher resolution. Koei Tecmo appear to be on the edge of announcing a new Volleyball title and have registered the name Xtreme Beach Volleyball in Japan, a game that'll probably end up on at least PlayStation 4.

blank Articles, News 11 years ago

PlayStation Beats Xbox on Quantity AND Quality, Although it’s Gamers That Win

When Neogaf user DeadPixel made a list of all the games released on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 since release, there was a lot of discussion about quality vs quantity. Is it better to have a lot of smaller releases, including re-releases of indie games from the previous generation, or bigger AAA titles like Titanfall? Your answer probably aligns somewhat with your console of choice. GamesReview's very own Steven Van Eekeran wasn't convinced that it was an issue of quality against quantity though. Instead he found that the average score across both new-gen systems was roughly the same, skewed slightly towards Sony despite them releasing so many more games.

blank News 11 years ago

First Image of Call of Duty 2014 Released

IGN and Sledgehammer have released an image of the next Call of Duty, supposedly from in-game footage. Call of Duty 2014 has yet to be fully revealed, although it was confirmed earlier this year that it would be made with a focus on new-gen consoles. Perhaps the release of this image, with its rather excellent texturing, is a continuation of that.