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blank News 12 years ago

Final Fantasy XV Screenshots, Battle Trailer

Final Fantasy XV, nee Final Fantasy Versus XIII, will probably be with us within the next 18 months. The excitement is palpable, and I'm sure people who have been waiting the best part of a decade for this are going to be obsessing over trailers and screens for months and weeks to come. We thought we'd make that a little easier by providing a few screens of our own.

blank News 12 years ago

Pokemon X & Y Release Date, New Type Revealed

During their E3 Nintendo Direct presentation this morning, Nintendo revealed a new trailer for Pokemon X and Y. In addition to showcasing the newly announced Kalos region, a handful of new Pokemon have also been revealed.

blank News 12 years ago

Microsoft apologizes for ‘rape joke’

At the Microsoft Press Conference on Monday a male and female MS representative took to the stage to demonstrate Killer Instinct. As the round of virtual fighting got underway the male quickly dominated the match landing every blow and giving the woman little chance to respond to the onslaught. Their fight-talk (which in my opinion seemed rehearsed) quickly escalated and near the end of the round and close to defeat the woman...

blank News 12 years ago

Super Smash Brothers Wii U/3DS Announced, New Challengers Approach

That there were two Super Smash Brothers games in development was no secret, but it was still great to get that first look in today's Nintendo Direct. The cel-shaded 3DS version that looked nice and smooth, if a little rough when made to fit a TV screen, and the sharp HD Wii U version. These are both going to end up as top games on their respective consoles, if only by their doing more of the same, but with better graphics.

blank News 12 years ago

Versus XIII is now Final Fantasy XV

Square Enix pulled out all the stops at this year's Sony E3 conference and, in less than ten minutes, completely shook the gaming world to its foundation. Not only was Kingdom Hearts going to get its first fully numbered sequel in seven or eight years, but Final Fantasy Versus XIII is officially coming to PlayStation 4. Sorry, that isn't really true: Final Fantasy XV is coming to PlayStation 4. The name has changed but aside from that, the same dark action focus has remained.

blank News 12 years ago

Kingdom Hearts 3 “In Development”

Square Enix announced two things at this morning's Sony conference, the first - Final Fantasy XV - we'll cover in an upcoming post, but the latter was easily as exciting. After years of spin-offs across many different platforms, Kingdom Hearts 3 is in development. A short teaser trailer showed off a beautiful Traverse Town and a new look for Sora, as well as a swarm of heartless which Sora used to get around. How important will this mechanic be for the full game? How far is it in development? These are things that have not yet been shared.

blank News 12 years ago

iOS7 Adds Controller Support

Stop the press! The biggest news of the gaming day - and it's been a day filled with gaming news - is that the next update to the iOS includes the ability to use third party controllers with the system. Announced yesterday, very few details have been shared, but the very news will be enough to open up a whole new world of mobile gaming, and it might even make a few old favourites even more of a pleasure to play.

blank News 12 years ago

Need For Speed Rivals Announced

The next Need for Speed game, Rivals, will give long-time fans everything they've come to expect from the franchise when it launches across multiple platforms, as well as a few new tricks to keep them coming back for more, both at the console or on tablet. In Need for Speed Rivals, the basic gameplay remains: cops and racers face off against one another, the cops trying to knock our the racers hurtle at ridiculous speeds towards the finish line. If you enjoyed Most Wanted, you'll enjoy Rivals.

blank News 12 years ago

Mirrors Edge 2 officially revealed

Quite possibly the most requested sequel has finally been confirmed along with a stunning trailer. It has been rumoured for the past few weeks that Mirrors Edge 2 was in development and now it's a reality.

blank News 12 years ago

Dragon Age: Inquisition Unveiled

Bioware have made no secret of the fact that they've been working on a new Dragon Age game, and the reason for that was tonight revealed. Dragon Age: Inquisition hits all the buzzword tick boxes that a decent RPG should: it's open world, it gives you an awesome amount of power over the story and you'll interact with deep characters (both old and new, we're told). Although the Lord of the Rings vibe is still immense, Inquisition is a title that any Bioware fan will be excited for.