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Mortal Kombat PC Officially Announced
After months of rumblings, Warner Brothers have officially announced Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition for the PC. After the game turned up on SteamDB and people were shown to be playing it through opensteamworks, it was more or less a foregone conclusion, but core gamers will be happy to see this one come to fruition.
Get $10 free store credit from Microsoft
Microsoft are feeling generous today handing out $10 to everyone who signs up to receive a notication on when preorders start for the Xbox One. Reports say the money gets added to your Xbox Live account as store credit within a couple of hours of registration and can be used on anything found on the Marketplace. To avail of this limited time offer click here and sign up.
Xbox One Reveal was a Success Regardless of Reaction
Peter Molyneux was a guest on IGN's Xbox One coverage earlier, and he said something that got me thinking. They were talking about the release date and the difference between "worldwide" and "around the world," and the difference that that wording might imply. Molyneux was pretty certain that the wording was important, that everything said and shown would have been very carefully selected to give off a very specific vibe. How can a conference so lovingly put together be so hated by so many? Why did they so obviously miss out on opportunity after opportunity when they had everything to prove against the PS4? The only answer that seems to make sense is that this whole thing - negative reaction, memes, joke videos - has all been meticulously planned.
Xbox One: Quick News Round-Up
If you've been on a social network in the last few hours, you'll probably have an idea of how the Xbox One reveal has gone down. In the eyes of some people: well. In the eyes of others: terribly. It all depends what you use your 360 for. The very least that can be said is that they know their basic audience. Are you ready to shell out on the Xbox One?
Xbox One: Wild Applause Came from Microsoft Employees
This may not come as a surprise to those who sat and watched the press conference, but the wild cheering and applause that was heard after each and every announcement was in no way coming from members of the press. It was almost definitely coming from the area of the room reserved for Microsoft employees… This has been hit home thanks to a number of Tweets from various members of the gaming press present at the event tonight. The wild…
PS4 Mock-up Based on Teaser Trailer
The sneak peak PS4 video didn't show much on first inspection but a closer look and a lot of freeze framing revealed more than meets the eye. Multiple screengrabs of the video gave Reddit user Albino-Zebra just enough information to be able to piece together a mockup of what he thinks the PS4 may actually look like.
Playstation 4 – Official tease trailer (screenshots inside)
Square, metallic and what can only be described as a grill effect. No Im not talking about the latest toaster, it is in fact the PS4. Recently added by the Official Playstation facebook feed this 40 second tease doesn't give us much to go on.
Batman: Arkham Origins Trailer Released
After the teaser trailer released last week, I'm happy to report that this actual trailer is a little meatier on content. It still contains a little much in terms of splash screens (what trailer doesn't?), but there's also some actual content this time around as well. The "official trailer" gives us our first look at Gotham, although it's a very cinematic look, not made with the game engine.
Resident Evil 7 Poster Found Online
If your first reaction to seeing this poster isn't a scrunched up face and a slight shake of the head, you're perhaps a little gullible. A poster for Resident Evil 7 has appeared online. Although it's almost certainly fake, there's also, I suppose, a slim possibility that it might end up being real, and that Capcom are continuing the story of Resident Evil 6 in the same engine and with many of the same assets.
New releases this week: May 20th – 27th
It’s Monday! We hope you all had a good weekend and if not, well maybe this week’s new releases will cheer you up. A very quiet week this week indeed, with only 2 games scheduled for release within the next 7 days across all platforms. The new Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger rides into town on Thursday while Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D swings into action on Friday. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (May 23rd, PC, XBLA & PSN) Coming to PSN,…