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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD may Pave Way to Further FF HD Re-Releases
A lot of people are excited for the chance to play both Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 again. The HD Collection adds better graphics and trophy support, as well as the ability to play both games from a single disk. Originally released in 2001, every single Final Fantasy game since has split the community more and more, so this is a fresh opportunity to see a fan favourite in a new, fresh way. If you're excited, be sure to support the developers, as it may lead to similar opportunities in the future...

New Releases this week | June 17th – June 24th
The WiiU dominates this week's releases with 3 new titles for the Nintendo system. 2 of which are from the Mario universe. An expansion pack for Mario... does Mario need expanding??

DriveClub PS+ Edition not as complete as retail version
The announcement that DriveClub will be given free to PS+ subscribers was met with a loud applause from the audience at E3 on Monday night. However Senior Designer for Evolution Ben Gouldstone later admitted that the free PS+ Edition is not as complete as what buyers of the full retail game would be getting.

9 New GTA5 Screenshots
Rockstar may not have been on stage at E3 but they still made sure to leave their mark. During the announcement of the custom GTAV-branded Pulse Elite Headset for PS3 a slideshow of images could be seen over Jack Tretton's shoulder. Thankfully Rockstar were thoughtful enough to officially release the images a couple days later on their site.

Xbox One won’t work in more than half of the world
Living in Poland or Portugal and looking forward to buying the Xbox One in October? You'll be disappointed to hear that the Xbox One won't work in your country, or at least not at launch.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II Announced
We published the review of the first game only a few weeks ago, and yet developer NeoCoreGames aren't resting on their laurels. They've already announced a sequel. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II will be more of the same, only with darker things afoot. By defeating the main boss at the end of the first game, Van Helsing has only laid open the opportunity for another bigger, badder foe to show their head.

Tomura: “We may have announced [Kingdom Hearts 3] a little too early.”
It was the best moment of the Sony conference, up there alongside Final Fantasy XV: Kingdom Hearts 3 - in development. It's been a long time coming and confirmation that we may soon be able to get our grubby little mitts on one of the most requested sequels of all time was overwhelming. Well, we may need to reel in our excitement a little bit. Series creator Tetsuya Nomura has told Famitsu that, while it was a necessary announcement to make, it may well have been a little too early.

Vice City Stories for PC Total Conversion Mod Released
Although the PS2-era Grand Theft Auto games are by and large available on pretty much any system you want to play them on, with two pretty major exceptions. Liberty City and Vice City Stories were PSP games that deepened the cities and stories behind Grand Theft Auto 3 and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. They got a PS2 port back in the day and were recently released via the PlayStation Store for download, but there's going to be another way of playing soon as well.

PlayStation Battle Royale Sold Over a Million Units, No New DLC
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale sold over a million units, Shuhei Yoshida has revealed. Across two platforms, the Sony-focussed brawler included many fan favourites from the last two decades of PlayStation, although a few key heroes were missing and this affected initial reaction. This, paired with a general lack of marketing, caused the game to do only moderately well at retail, but also the hiring of a new marketing team and the dismissal of Superbot, the developer behind Battle Royale.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 3DS
In the wake of the E3 Nintendo Direct presentation, a new trailer for the 3DS’ Link to the Past sequel was uploaded on Nintendo’s official website, leaving us with a curious, new title for the anticipated sequel. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.