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blank News 12 years ago

Kingdom Hearts 3 “In Development”

Square Enix announced two things at this morning's Sony conference, the first - Final Fantasy XV - we'll cover in an upcoming post, but the latter was easily as exciting. After years of spin-offs across many different platforms, Kingdom Hearts 3 is in development. A short teaser trailer showed off a beautiful Traverse Town and a new look for Sora, as well as a swarm of heartless which Sora used to get around. How important will this mechanic be for the full game? How far is it in development? These are things that have not yet been shared.

blank News 12 years ago

iOS7 Adds Controller Support

Stop the press! The biggest news of the gaming day - and it's been a day filled with gaming news - is that the next update to the iOS includes the ability to use third party controllers with the system. Announced yesterday, very few details have been shared, but the very news will be enough to open up a whole new world of mobile gaming, and it might even make a few old favourites even more of a pleasure to play.

blank News 12 years ago

Need For Speed Rivals Announced

The next Need for Speed game, Rivals, will give long-time fans everything they've come to expect from the franchise when it launches across multiple platforms, as well as a few new tricks to keep them coming back for more, both at the console or on tablet. In Need for Speed Rivals, the basic gameplay remains: cops and racers face off against one another, the cops trying to knock our the racers hurtle at ridiculous speeds towards the finish line. If you enjoyed Most Wanted, you'll enjoy Rivals.

blank News 12 years ago

Mirrors Edge 2 officially revealed

Quite possibly the most requested sequel has finally been confirmed along with a stunning trailer. It has been rumoured for the past few weeks that Mirrors Edge 2 was in development and now it's a reality.

blank News 12 years ago

Dragon Age: Inquisition Unveiled

Bioware have made no secret of the fact that they've been working on a new Dragon Age game, and the reason for that was tonight revealed. Dragon Age: Inquisition hits all the buzzword tick boxes that a decent RPG should: it's open world, it gives you an awesome amount of power over the story and you'll interact with deep characters (both old and new, we're told). Although the Lord of the Rings vibe is still immense, Inquisition is a title that any Bioware fan will be excited for.

blank News 12 years ago

PopCap Announce Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare, Peggle 2

Plants Vs Zombies has become a global phenomenon, and no more proof of that is needed than the support that Popcap are pumping into it this year. Plants Vs Zombies 2: It's About Time is going to give fans of the franchise a fix of a gameplay that just can't be gotten anywhere else, but the newly announced Garden Warfare is something else entirely. A third-person action game, Garden Warfare is like Plants Vs Zombies mixed with Orcs Must Die and again with some class based shooter, Garden Warfare looked far better than you'd ever expect. The textures and design were out of this world.

blank News 12 years ago

Battlefield 4 Explodes with Potential, Destruction

Battlefield 3 was a good game. What would have made it a great game? Destructible environments. It was there in small doses, but it felt almost scripted in its limitations. That's not going to be the case in Battlefield 4, as the demonstration game shown at tonight's EA conference proved. We're talking skyscraper falling, foundation shaking destruction, and it's going to change the way we look at online games.

blank News 12 years ago

DICE Announce Star Wars Battlefront, Teaser Trailer

I'm sure I'm not the only one that swore out loud when Star Wars Battlefront was announced this evening. EA, not content with merely proving themselves as the new holders of the Star Wars IP, have instead just gone straight for the game we've all wanted since the release of Battlefront 2 in 2005. More than that, it's being built by DICE, a team that knows multiplayer shooters like the backs of their hands.

blank News 12 years ago

Killer Instinct for Xbox One

Double Helix Games revealed Killer Instinct 3 at E3 today. The live demostration showed returning characters Jago, Sabrewolf and Glasius fighting it out in stunning HD graphics.

blank News 12 years ago

Metal Gear Solid V Coming to Xbox One

Nobody but the biggest Xbox One fanboy would have expected Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain to be the first game to get actual gameplay footage on the Xbox One, and that Hideo Kojima would be there to talk up the system afterwards. It was a huge surprise and a huge screw-you to gamers who had doubted that the Xbox One would be able to pull in the core titles that made the 360 a must-own. The surprise was short-lived, however, as the game itself was absolutely stunning.