It can be easy to find fault with some of the Square Enix iOS releases: whether its laughably bad pricing models (Final Fantasy: All the Bravest, Demons' Score) or overpriced re-releases (the Final Fantasy re-releases), there are times where it feels like Square's reaching a little too far into the wallets of gamers. But there's no denying their support for mobile platforms: with over two dozen releases under their belt, from Chaos Rings to Space Invader: ...
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Minigore 2 free for Anniversary
Four years ago, developer Mountain Sheep introduced the world to a new hero: John Gore, the man who found himself eternally chased by hordes and hordes of zombies, zombie sheep, and other undead creatures. When Minigore hit iOS back in 2009, it was one of the first dual-stick shooters on the platform, responsible for the genre's huge popularity in the early days of premium iOS gaming.
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Riptide GP 2 Review
When Riptide GP arrived on iOS in late 2011, it brought with it a flood of beautiful memories from the early days of 3D and polygons. It was like a mix of Jet Moto and Hydro Thunder, a balls-to-the-wall aquatic racer with impressive wave physics and a fantastic sense of speed. It wasn't perfect - a little too lean on content, missing any kind of online/Bluetooth-enabled multiplayer option - but it brought back a genre I'd thought long forgotten by game ...
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Firefly Online Announced
Whedon fans have long dreamed of the day when the beloved sci-fi series Firefly would return - but I don't think any of them expected it to happen like this. At Comic-Con this week, SparkPlug games announced Firefly Online, a social MMORPG set to launch on iOS and Android in early 2014.
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Borderlands 2 New DLC, Level Cap Announced
Although the season pass for Borderlands 2 ended with the fantastic Assault on Dragon's Keep, Gearbox isn't done with their smash hit action-RPG just yet. During a panel at PAX Australia, Gearbox announced new plans to keep the world of Pandora fresh through the fall, with new 'Headhunter' mission packs and a huge raise to the level cap.
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Tiny Tina – How Dragon’s Keep Changed my Mind
After Borderlands' narrative had disappointed me so many times before, I went into Assault on Dragon's Keep expecting another fun but hollow adventure into the world of Pandora. Instead, I received a gorgeous, wildly entertaining piece of content that not only finds the emotional connection the series has so desperately needed, but does so in the place I'd least expect to find it.
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Out of the Park on sale until 7/17
For baseball fans who dream of being a GM, this should be a no-brainer - Out of the Park Baseball 14 is far and away the best sports management game on the market, earning a shiny 9.5 in our review. Available for PC, Mac, and Linux, this is not a game to be missed for stat heads and wanna-be scouts - and for those still using OOTP13, it's a perfect time to upgrade and enjoy the new player development system and plethora of under-the-hood tweaks.
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Infinity Blade: Dungeons canceled
When Impossible Games closed their doors earlier this year, Epic Games wasn't quite ready to kibosh Infinity Blade: Dungeons, Impossible's Diablo-like action RPG due to hit the mobile gaming-sphere sometime this year..... yet. A few months later, however, the news is now official: the highly-anticipated Infinity Blade: Dungeons is cancelled.
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Deus Ex: The Fall Review
The words "console quality" get thrown around way too often in the mobile game-o-sphere. I've been guilty of it, too: desperately clamoring for a bar-raising iOS game, we've been all too-willing to slap a AAA-tag on whatever good-looking and somewhat entertaining title and laud it as redefining what a mobile game is. Deus Ex: The Fall is the latest game to enter this conversation, a recently-announced FPS with RPG elements that acts as a prequel to the Deus Ex: ...
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The Walking Dead: 400 Days Review
At the heart of every Walking Dead story is the disintegration of humanity and the ultimate loss of innocence: when civilization is stripped away, the world turns into a cruel, dark place where death becomes the only place to be safe. With their single-handed resurrection (and revolution) of the point-and-click adventure genre, Telltale Games' Walking Dead: Season 1 delivered one of the most harrowing, emotional gaming experiences in recent memory - showing the ...
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