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blank News 10 years ago

Xbox 360 The Time to Buy is Now!

While the allure of the new systems will entice a lot of people, take a step back and ask yourself: is it really worth it? I have played PS4 and the graphics capability of that system are outstanding. I've also had the privilege of playing the Xbox One, and the innovation that is on display in that system is definitely a sign of good things to come. But is buying any one of these systems truly worth it, especially right now?

blank News 10 years ago

Batman Arkham Origins: Blackgate coming to PS3, 360, Wii U

The 2.5D Metroidvania entry in the Batman Arkham city will be coming to PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii U in April this year, Warner Brothers have announced. Batman Arkham Origins: Blackgate was a handheld exclusive that took place after Arkham Origins and was set in - can you guess - Blackgate Prison. Blackmask, Joker and Penguin all want to cause trouble, and it's up to you as The Bat to sort it all out.

blank News 10 years ago

Titanfall Xbox One Exclusive Because Sony was “Mum”

Titanfall is an Xbox One exclusive (unless you have an Xbox 360 or PC). That's been a source of quiet disappointment for a lot of Sony-focussed arcade shooter fans with PlayStation 4s. It should be presumed that the biggest deciding factor behind the whole thing would be money, and yet Neogaf used Famousmortimer offers a slightly different look of things. Apparently the reason Titanfall ended up on Xbox One is because Sony was too quiet about what their plans for this generation were going to be.

blank News 10 years ago

Hideo Kojima Defends Ground Zeroes Graphics, Length

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes has gone from being a must-buy title to something that's massively controversial. So negative has recent reaction been that series creator and director Hideo Kojima has commented, trying to calm angry fans ahead of the release date next month.

blank News 10 years ago

Far Cry Classic Announced

The original Far Cry was a top release back in the day, helped by about a trillion free demo disks and some rather clever design choices. The original Far Cry never actually made it to consoles, instead replaced by a similar but less hardware intensive Far Cry Instincts. That changes this week, with the release of Far Cry Classic on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

blank News 10 years ago

New Batman Title to be Announced Soon?

Last year's Arkham Origins was always going to be a filler game. As good as it was, it had the unpleasant task of being stuck between Arkham City and whatever Rocksteady are building for next-gen consoles. How could it compete with one of the best rated games of this generation and the sheer hardware of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One? Soon we'll get to see exactly what we're holding out for - it seems Rocksteady are gearing up for a big announcement.

blank News 10 years ago

Konami Comments on Ground Zeroes Length

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes was always something of an oddity. A prologue to a game that might not be out for a couple of years, at almost the cost of a full game? That was never going to fly, so when it was revealed this week that the main campaign lasted only a few hours, people got very upset. How could they charge so much for so little?

blank News 10 years ago

South Park PC Won’t Require uPlay

uPlay seems to have avoided the majority of the hate that EA’s Origin seems to get, although that doesn’t mean it gets all that much love. It’s still frustrating to load a game in Steam, only to have an entirely new program pop up out of nowhere, requiring new updates and processes. That’s why it’s good news that South Part: The Stick of Truth will be entirely Steamworks. This was confirmed by the official Obsidian Twitter account yesterday. @MacDragon Yep,…

blank News 10 years ago

Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy Unite in Lightning Returns DLC

Lightning Returns is getting rapidly closer, and if you're into dressing up your main characters in awesome outfits it seems a must-buy. Things have got slightly better today as well, with the announcement that day one purchasers will be able to download a pack that allows you to dress Lightning as Lara Croft, complete with a riot shield and survival axe.

blank News 10 years ago

Bioshock’s Burial At Sea Continues in March

If you're looking to plan a vacation over the next few weeks, why not wait and return to the lovely underwater hotspot that is Rapture? Irrational games today announced that Bioshock Infinite's final piece of DLC, Burial At Sea, will be available for download at the end of March - just be sure to prepare yourself for a roller-coaster of plot progression.