Latest Gaming News

Microsoft going all out on Ultimate Sales
If you've just purchased an Xbox One, or if you've been cash strapped and missed out on some of the best Xbox One games available, Microsoft is about to make your day...for a small fee. All this week, Microsoft has discounted many Xbox One titles ranging from the overpriced Angry Birds Star Wars to the the always magnificent Halo series.

Forza Horizon 2: Storm Island – A Perfect 10/10 Expansion
Last week, Microsoft and Turn 10 (surprisingly) released a big expansion for Forza Horizon. This isn’t just a car pack or a collection of new racing events and bucket list challenges. Well, actually it is, but it’s a lot more than that too. Storm Island will get Forza fans playing the game again over the holiday season, and it’s definitely worth every penny and all your time. For $20.00 – or $10.00 if you have the VIP package – players…

Life is Strange Trailer Released, Date and Price Announced
Episodic time shifter Life is Strange has received a new trailer, as well as information on when it will be available and how much it will cost.

Xbox Live Down Periodically Last Night thanks to Hackers
Last night, Xbox Live users were having a hard time attempting to connect online. Xbox Support was not claiming to be down, but many users were having a hard time getting things connected. Apparently, a big hacking group was behind the whole situation, and have also been behind the issues that PSN and Destiny faced earlier. The group goes by the Twitter handle of Lizard Squad, and their number one goal is to take down the online features of some of the biggest video game companies.

Nintendo as a Brand is in Decline
It's not an opinion. It is a fact. Nintendo's brand has taken series blows over the years, and the company now sits in spot 100 out of 100 when it comes to the worlds most valuable brands. Many analysts predict that Nintendo won't even make the list in 2015.

The Problems with DLC Evident in Forza Horizon 2; Nintendo does it Right
DLC is definitely a hot topic since it began being a thing. Nntendo was always on record saying DLC was not something they would be interested in doing. Their philosophy was that they were giving consumers what they paid for: the game, the COMPLETE game, that was developed. That philosophy has gone straight into the garbage can, however, as Nintendo realizes the benefits of having DLC: Mario Golf: World Tour, Pikmin 3, Mario Kart, Hyrule Warriors, and more are going to nickle and dime you for months after release.

The Success of Forza Horizon 2 is Good for Racing Genre
Forza Horizon 2 is one of the best games on the Xbox One to date, and it is getting universal praise from almost every major gaming website on the web, aside from Polygon. The success of Horizon 2 is really great news for ALL racing genre fans, regardless of platform preferences.

Buying Games on Launch Day: Do you do it?
When I was younger and lacked any real responsibilities, I was fairly free with my money. When the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker came out on GameCube, I bought it on day one. When Halo and Halo 2 launched, I bought both those games on launch day. Things have changed, at least for myself, but I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting older, or if in general, people are not buying games on launch day like they use to.

Ex-Dice Employee: “Don’t Buy Battlefield Hardline at Launch!”
It's not uncommon for ex-employees to voice opinions about their previous employer and the projects they are working on. Via an As Me Anything (AMA) on Reddit this week, we were able to hear what ex-Dice designer Tim Kjell had to say about the Battlefield franchise. His opinion: don't buy Battlefield Hardline at launch.

SteamWorld Heist Blasting Onto Devices in Spring 2015
A few weeks back, I reviewed SteamWorld Dig on the Wii U. The game was so fantastic, I've now owned it on multiple different platforms including my Wii U for at home and 3DS for on the road. The game is that good. If you haven't picked it up, stop reading this useless announcement, grab the game and play it, and come back to read this at your convenience. After all, the release date for their next title isn't until Spring 2015.