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Lightning Returns Demo Available Soon
Final Fantasy XIII wasn't everybody's cup of tea. Square Enix managed to fix the most common problems with Final Fantasy XIII-2, and there were still people that weren't satisfied with their purchase (or by the trailers they watched on YouTube, at least). Before you make the same mistake again with Lightning Returns, consider downloading the demo, available on Xbox 360 today and PlayStation 3 tomorrow.

Early Access Titanfall Players “Forbidden” from Sharing Opinions
It's no surprise that users with early access to an upcoming game won't be allowed to share screens, video, opinions or even details about said game ahead of its release, but, yup, Titanfall will be the same. Only made noteworthy by the fact the developers took to Twitter to confirm it, it seems some fans are desperate to share their results.

Tomb Raider Profitable “From the End of Last Year”
A lot was made of the "irresponsibility of publishers" when Square Enix announced Tomb Raider was a stinking failure (although they didn't use those words). Despite the fact it had managed to push millions and millions of units in a matter of months, it had still not been profitable. While Crystal Dynamics' latest had garnered sales most developers would never even think possible, it still managed to sit in the red.

Next-Gen Dark Soul II Not Ruled Out
Dark Souls II is gearing up to be a great game for core gamers, and hopefully it'll manage to be just as tough as its predecessors. Here's the problem: a lot of core gamers have moved onto next-gen consoles and would probably quite like the bulk of their hobby to happen from the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. Dark Souls II is only coming to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. But hope is not yet lost.

The Wolf Among Us Episode 2 Coming Early February
It was the surprise fantasy detective story of 2013, but unfortunately Telltale's The Wolf Among Us disappeared of a lot of radars when the developer announced episode two wouldn't be available until 2014. Now, with the first episode of season two of The Walking Dead out of the way, Telltale have announced a more specific release date: the first week of February.

Fans Petition to bring Kingdom Hearts 1.5 to Xbox 360
It's no secret that there were some Xbox 360-only owners desperate to play the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix collection that was released last year but, alas, their call for a port went ignored. There's a million reasons it might not have happened, but that hasn't stopped one plucky fan from starting a petition to change things, and it's a petition that's begun to pick up speed.

GTA Online to Evolve with Fan Feedback
GTA V was a real success story, quickly becoming a record breaker despite releasing at the end of the year. It continues to be popular, although a lot of people are disappointed with the online mode. That could change though, and for the better. Rockstar are watching your reaction, and they're taking notes!

Ground Zeroes Being Optimized for Each Controller
There are similarities between the various controllers on the market, but there are differences as well. Even when the controllers seem to offer comparable things and be relatively the same size, there may be features that just can't be utilized across every platform. That's why Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will be optimized for each different input method, Kojima has confirmed.

Titanfall Maximum Player Count is 6v6
Titanfall is looking to offer an alternative arcade shooter experience that'll compete nicely with Call of Duty while pushing the genre on a little. Today, some were worried that things hadn't changed enough, with the announcement that the maximum number of combatants in a match will be 12.

Alien: Isolation Announced
Looking for something to scare your socks off? Alien: Isolation looks like it might actually be that game, and while we've been disappointed by the IP before, SEGA look to have fixed things completely this time around. Horror? Check. Deadly aliens? Check. Unnecessary character link to previous entries? Check. Hell - it could even be a new entry in the film franchise.