Sitting with fellow gamers in a theatre watching the Sony E3 conference, I realized we have a problem. The problem isn’t just with the Sony conference but with all the press conferences. After watching all four, I was exhausted by the violence that was shown. I understand this is a bigger societal issue in the world. Just turn on the news and it seems there are shootings every other day. Why do our games need to be filled with it too? Trailer after trailer was shown back to back for hours, many hinting at objectives that can only be accomplished with a gun in ...
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Xenoblade Chronicles X is One to Watch
Xenoblade Chronicles X is brilliant. Take everything that you loved about the 2010 Wii exclusive, throw in some fan service from the entire Xenoseries, polish it off with HD visuals, and you have what may be the most impressive RPG experience at e3 2014.
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Fantasy Life Coming Westward
Fantasy life is an upcoming 3DS title from Level 5 studios that combines a unique blend of Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy, and Zelda elements. The game was released in Japan back in 2012 and now is set to release in EU on Sep 26th and in NA on Oct. 24th 2014. The cartoonish world of Fantasy Life is based completely on choice. From character creation, to the roles that your character will have, the life you lead in this fantasy will change with every play through. You can also switch lives at anytime so you’re not stuck being someone you don’t want to be.
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Nintendo Announce Code Name: S.T.E.A.M
Nintendo announced its new IP for the Nintendo 3DS last night at the E3 Developer's Discussion. Titled Code Name: S.T.E.A.M, the turn based strategy RPG is set in the steampunk inspired universe of London. It has elements of third person action games as well as shooters. Developed by Intelligent Designs (Fire Emblem Awakening) the premise of Code Name: S.T.E.A.M is that it allows you to play as an elite fighting force formed by Abraham Lincoln to battle invaders from other worlds.
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Wii U Bayonetta Games Will Have Touch Controls
Both Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 have been confirmed to be playable with touch controls via the gamepad when they launch on Wii U later this year. During the live stream of the e3 Nintendo Treehouse event, Mr. Hashimoto and Ms. Kuroda from Platinum Games showcased the ability to seamlessly switch between standard and touch controls by simply touching enemies or directions on the gamepad. Various techniques are used, such as swiping across the screen, tapping, and circular motions that all bring a new unique control over Bayonetta.
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How Sony convinced me to buy a PS4
Hats off to Sony for not only providing the public with a multitude of excellent announcements (Grim Fandango!!) but by almost never mentioning the PS3 during the nearly 2 hour long conference, you also made people realise that now is the best time to get their ass onto next-gen. So let me just dig deeper into Sony's announcements and pinpoint exactly why I'm now determined to get a PS4.
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Bayonetta 2 Comes with the First Game Free
Subtly isn't Bayonetta's strong point, although one of the main announcements of Nintendo's E3 presentation involved her and has largely gone unnoticed in the conversations about The Legend of Zelda Wii U and Yoshi's Wooly World. When you buy Bayonetta 2 on Wii U, the first game (originally published by SEGA) will be included at no extra cost.
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Xenoblade Chronicles X Officially Unveiled
Monolith Soft’s Xenoblade Chronicles X has officially been announced for a 2015 release on Wii U. The follow-up to the 2010 Wii exclusive Xenoblade Chronicles captures the same art style of its predecessor and will focus on the strong storytelling and the bonds held between mankind’s last remaining survivors. The characters of Xenoblade Chronicles X become locked in an intergalactic war, and the game focuses on their struggle as they are forced to fight for their future against an invading alien race. The trailer showcases these survivors in a heated battle ...
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Final Fantasy Type-0 Coming Westward on PS4 and Xbox One
Square Enix Europe have just announced that they're bringing Final Fantasy Type-0 to Europe and, presumably, worldwide. It's not quite how you think though. It'll be coming in the form of a HD remaster for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
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Sony Conference – Our Verdict
Sony had to finish up the set of conferences last night and therefore had the most to prove. With talk of Uncharted 4 and The Last Guardian pre-E3, could they ever manage to live up to the hype? Our editors give their final verdict.
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