Last year, Telltale elevated point and click games to a new level with their first season of the award-winning The Walking Dead. Creating a follow-up to that fantastic set of titles was a difficult task for Telltale, and they mostly succeeded. While there are moments of brilliance, season two doesn’t reach the level of excellence that season one was able to achieve.
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Valiant Hearts Review
It seems like every week there is a new game that comes out that is set within the context of a war. Valiant Hearts takes an original look at war, not through combat but through the eyes of the people affected by it. Throughout the four chapters of the game, the affects of war are shown through characters without a gun in their hands.
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PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate
By combining both previous PixelJunk Shooter games into one package and giving them a graphical facelift, Q-Games has combined two great games and made them even better. PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate HD provides hours of fun and challenge. With Playstation Plus currently offering it for free, it won't lighten your wallet but it will give you hours of entertainment.
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Video Games Have A Bloody Problem
Sitting with fellow gamers in a theatre watching the Sony E3 conference, I realized we have a problem. The problem isn’t just with the Sony conference but with all the press conferences. After watching all four, I was exhausted by the violence that was shown. I understand this is a bigger societal issue in the world. Just turn on the news and it seems there are shootings every other day. Why do our games need to be filled with it too? Trailer after trailer was ...
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How Microsoft convinced Me to buy a Xbox One
Last year, Microsoft didn’t show me a reason to buy an Xbox One. They have been outsold by the Playstation 4 since Microsoft released the Xbox One.
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Octodad Dadliest Catch Review
As a cephalopod protagonist, Octodad Dadliest Catch is nothing if not original. Your flailing tentacles create charm and humor in spades. There is truly no other game like it. If it wasn't for a few maddening levels, I would want another order of this tasty calamari.
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Transistor Review
With the release of Bastion in 2011, Supergiant games burst onto the gaming landscape. Bastion was critically acclaimed and was on several Game of the Year lists as well. Transistor is Supergiant's latest game, which has been three years in the making - and it was well worth the wait.
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