I use to play 3D first person dungeon crawlers a lot during the NES era. I also got a chance to play Doom on the PC, even though I wasn’t a PC gamer. Dungeon crawlers back then were simple, yet fun. How would a game like that be now? What if a game like that now decided to go retro and create a totally pixelated first person dungeon crawler? In fact, there’s a game just like that on the Nintendo…
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Yooka-Laylee Nintendo Switch Review
3D platformers have been making a major comback. Super Mario Odyssey has been the best of the best, but there are plenty of other cool 3D platformers to play too. The Nintendo Switch has been a good home for platformers and recently another one was added to the eShop: Yooka-Laylee! Is this a good game? Will 3D platformer fans enjoy it? Lets take a look! Yooka-Laylee doesn’t have a good story. The game lets you know, right at the start,…
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Plantera Deluxe Review
I reviewed Plantera on the Wii U and 3DS. I really liked the game. And now Plantera Deluxe is on the Nintendo Switch. Is this game any different from the Wii U and 3DS versions? Should you buy this game again if you already have it? I’ll answer these questions in my review of Planetera Deluxe for the Nintendo Switch. Plantera Deluxe for the Nintendo Switch is basically the same game that was on the Wii U. Not much has…
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Worms W.M.D Review
Worms W.M.D is an artillery strategy game in the Worms series; it features gameplay style closer to Worms Armageddon than subsequent installments, while adding brand new features from usable vehicles such as tanks to buildings that the worms can enter. But does that make this Nintendo Switch version worth the $30 price tag , let’s discuss! Original Review written by FNCWill for GamesReviews.com, updated with Nintendo Switch enhancements by Adam Roffel.
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Portal Knights Review
Once upon a time, there was a land in trouble and a brave hero went out to save it. He (or she) just had their wits and crafting tools. The main goal: defeat the enemies, go through portals and discover whats next. Welcome to Portal Knights for the Nintendo Switch. Portal Knights has a story that is briefly introduced at the beginning of the game, but its not really that important to the overall game. Portal Knights is very much…
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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Review
When we reviewed the first LEGO Marvel Super Heroes title, we loved every moment of it, and stated that if we had to knock it somewhere, it was that we wanted more. And now we have it, thanks to the release of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 on the Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch. We took a peek at this title on Nintendo's hit platform, and thoroughly enjoyed our time with it. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 is a love letter to the Marvel fan, providing almost everyone fans would want in one video game release, ranging from the most popular of heroes, to the lesser ...
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Stick It to the Man Review
Stick It to the Man is a really weird game. I first played this game on the Wii U and while I liked it alot, I also thought it was one of the strangest games I had ever played. Not everybody will like it. Stick It to the Man is for people who have an odd sense of humor and like stuff like Tim Burton movies and Bryan Fuller tv shows. And now Stick It to the Man is on the Nintendo Switch. Is the game as good on the Switch as it was on the Wii U? Let's find out!
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Skyrim Gets A Second Wind on Nintendo Switch
With the launch of the Xbox One X recently, the talk has been all about graphics. And while that is important - and definitely appreciated when playing the popular Xbox games in 4K - there is something that should be said about portability and stability, versus graphical power. I'll be the first to say that if I have to take a minor graphical hit to take my favorite games on the go with the Nintendo Switch, I'm all for it. The argument has been, "Well the graphics are going to be really poor on the Nintendo Switch." Frankly, that just isn't the case, and ...
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Doom Nintendo Switch Review
Doom is a game that no one would have ever guessed would come to the Nintendo Switch. It was not long ago that we found out that the game was coming and it was a total surprise. A mature first person shooter for Nintendo Switch?! Wow! And now Doom is out and I’ve played it. Is Doom a good game on the Nintendo Switch? The Story Doom’s story isn’t bad but its not that good either. The story really isn’t…
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Morphite Review
Metroid Prime 4 is in development for the Nintendo Switch right now. It’ll probably be awhile before that game is out. Meanwhile, where should a gamer go to get some first person exploration fun? The solution to this question is Morphite for Nintendo Switch. The story in Morphite is really good. The main character is just trying to survive and get by and then she is roped into a quest to solve some mysteries of the universe. If I said…
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