Latest Gaming News

GTA V Reaches a Billion Dollars in Three Days
Take-Two have announced that Grand Theft Auto V has reached a billion dollars over its first three days. That makes it the fastest selling entertainment property ever, beating out last year's Black Ops 2 and The Avengers.

New Ground Zeroes Gameplay, English Version Coming Soon
Hideo Kojima and Konami have revealed some new Ground Zeroes gameplay at TGS this morning. It shows off what an actual sneaking mission may be like, without any fast forwards or pre-played gameplay. This is as close as we'll get to actually playing the game for what may be some time, so this is definitely one to cherish.

Dinosaurs a Possibility for Battlefield 4
The idea of having dinosaurs in Battlefield 3 was both slightly confusing and endlessly entertaining. In a serious tactical shooter, just why would you want prehistoric creatures running around? Of course, DICE picked up on the chatter and started adding references to the game itself, via DLC.

GTAV 100% Completion Checklist
Looking to beat the game to 100%? Look no further. Listed below is everything you need to do (and find) to receive the Key To The City, i.e. get 100%.

New Releases this week | Sept 16th – 22nd 2013
Finally! GTAV is mere hours away from releasing worldwide. Are you excited? Are you one of the lucky few who got it early? Needless to say, it's my most anticipated game since.. well since GTAIV I suppose. Still though, let's not forget all those other releases this week too. Hot Wheels, PES 2014 and Zelda HD are just some of the games brave enough to release this week.

Grand Theft Auto V Becomes Highest Rated Game This Gen
Although it's early days yet and this is subject to change over the coming days, weeks and months, Grand Theft Auto V is currently the highest rated game this generation on Xbox 360, matched only by Grand Theft Auto IV. On PS3, it is the second best game, beat by its predecessor.

Buy Grand Theft Auto V Today… For £70
It’s only a few days until Grand Theft Auto V is released on the world, and people are hungry to get their mitts on it. Perhaps the biggest financial indicator of that is the fact that CEX have copies that you can buy and play right now, but you’ll need to pay £70 for the honour. A little over 24 hours before the midnight launch of Grand Theft Auto V and that time is apparently worth £30 over the RRP…

Petition Launched to Prevent PC Version of GTA V
A petition has been launched at in the hopes of preventing Rockstar from ever releasing a PC version of Grand Theft Auto V. Why? "So PC gamers learn their lesson and stop stealing games."

New Releases this week | Sept 9th – Sept 15th 2013
As the Rockstar behemoth that is GTAV casts its massive shadow over the horizon, new releases cower in fear and stay indoors waiting for the dust to settle before venturing outside. Or at least that's the impression I get from this week's meager list of upcoming titles.

GTAV is the most expensive game ever made
A Scottish newspaper called The Scotsman ran a story earlier today highlighting the insane budget for the soon to be released GTAV by Rockstar.