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blank News 9 years ago

Press Release: Dinsney Infinity 4 Player Mode

Today, Disney Interactive revealed details for Marvel Battlegrounds, the upcoming Play Set for Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition, featuring a new four-player, arcade brawler style of gameplay, and an original Marvel storyline. Developed by United Front Games, in partnership with Avalanche Software, Marvel Battlegrounds is the first Disney Infinity Play Set to feature four-player gameplay. With full compatibility for all Disney Infinity Marvel characters, Marvel Battlegrounds features the widest selection of playable characters of any previous Play Set.

blank News 9 years ago

NHL 16 Early Impressions, Issues with other Reviews

NHL 16 is a fabulous NHL game, probably the best EA NHL title to date. However, building off EA's first next (current) generation title, NHL 15, wasn't hard. EA learned from NHL 15 and provided a new, better product for hockey fans around the world.

blank News 9 years ago

Disney Infinity 3.0 Toys Top of the Class, Almost

Toys-to-life games often take more time to fully review. Generally, content is almost always open ended - leaving reviewers wondering where to stop - and as a result, there is a lot to look at and experience. There is one thing, however, that is often overlooked in reviews when it comes to Disney Infinity, Skylanders, and amiibo: the look of the figures. Disney Infinity 3.0 provides the best character models yet in the Disney Infinity franchise

blank Articles 9 years ago

Disney Infinity 3.0 after 60 Minutes

For the longest time, I often would determine my level of interest in a game after sixty minutes. Growing up, I rented a lot of video games, all of which had to pass the sixty minute test before I would buy it from the store. As a reviewer, I technically can't have a sixty minute barometer - I must review the entire game. However, I often still use my sixty minute rule, even if I plan to play the whole game. With the release of Disney Infinity, the the almost impossible ability to adequately review everything in one 'review,' I've decided to share my thoughts on Disney Infinity 3.0 after - you guessed it! - sixty minutes.

blank Articles 9 years ago

Mad Max Early Impressions

I've only been playing Mad Max for a few hours, but I've already noticed a few things that both excite me and make me groan. Within the first few hours, you will know whether or not you will be spending significant time with this title or not. I think I will, although getting over a few hurdles was frustrating for a number of hours.

blank News 9 years ago

LEGO Dimensions Screenshots Surface

New screenshots have surfaced for LEGO Dimensions, showing of many of the environments that players will get to play through. At launch, Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment has stated that there will be 14 levels to play through with the starter package.

blank News 9 years ago

Will Assassin’s Creed Fatigue Happen?

Assassin's Creed is undoubtedly one of the larger franchises in current video games, and can boast being one of the best AND one of the worst franchises to date. Most people were on board for Assassin's Creed when it first launched, and many praised it for the unique gameplay. Collecting flags - at least at that point - was a minor annoyance at best. Assassin's Creed was heralded by many as the next big thing.

blank Articles, News 10 years ago

Can consumers continue to pay the high price?

The rising price of AAA video games at Canadian retail locations is making me wonder something: how long can consumers continue to pay the high price of games? Best Buy Canada and Amazon Canada have been offering a bunch of pre-order incentives for games announced at E3 2015. With a 5-10$ discount, these retailers are charging 64.99 - 69.99; that means the regular price on these titles is 74.99 - 79.99. With a 13% sales tax in Ontario, that means a brand new AAA tilte at full cost could set back consumers 90.00, or roughly 1/5 the price of an Xbox One or PS4.

blank News 10 years ago

Sierra will release the first chapter of King’s Quest On July 28

A new Kings Quest title is here, and although it seems to veer away from the point and click game play from the original, the game still looks fantastic. For 9.99 an episode, or 39.99 for the season pass - which includes all episodes plus a bonus epilogue - is available for preorder on Xbox One and 360, PS4 and PS3, and PC. The first episode will be availabe for everything except the Microsoft consoles on July 28th (a day later, July 29 on Xbox One and 360).

blank Articles, News 10 years ago

Get Rich Quick Scheme for Farming Simulator 2015

While a review of Farming Simulator 15 for Games Reviews is still a ways off, I thought I would share my first in-game tip that will have you taking baths in dollars bills in no time! If you are looking to establish your own sand box mode - a mode sadly lacking from this game - then follow these easy tips!