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blank Articles, News 7 years ago

Pokémon Crystal Launches Today on Nintendo eShop

Many people may have forgotten that Nintendo made this announcement late last year, but today, Pokémon Crystal - originally launched on the Gameboy Color in 2000 - is releasing on the Nintendo eShop today! Widely considered one of the best Pokémon games launched to date, the title can be yours for about $15.00, and incredible value in my opinion. Check out all the details from the Pokémon Company, outlined below!

blank Articles, News 7 years ago

Image & Form and Zoink Join Forces under Thunderful Banner

Two of my favorite Swedish developers - Image & Form and Zoink Games - have combined together under the Thunderful banner. Between the two companies, they have 46 employees, 20 years of being in the industry, 16 games released, and 9 games in development. The studios behind indie hits Steamworld Digg and Stick It To The Man are working on new titles currently, most notably FE which is being published by Electronic Arts. This is only good news for the game industry, combining two of the best into one! Check out the release below!

blank Articles 7 years ago

More Thoughts From Me #103: The State of the Nintendo Direct

So…we had a Nintendo Direct last week. It was Nintendo Direct Mini to be exact. During that Direct, we got some new announcements. A lot of people that I follow seemed to like the Direct. I heard there were people who didn’t like it, but I never saw those comments. Well, ok, I did see those comments from one person: myself. I didn’t care for the Direct. I stated why in this article. However, I want to talk about that…

blank Articles, News 7 years ago

Three Classic Nintendo 3DS Titles only 29.99 in Canada Starting February 3rd

Today, Nintendo of Canada announced price cuts for three classic, must own titles on Nintendo 3DS. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, NES Remix, and Super Mario 3D Land are now only 29.99 at select retailers, and online via the Nintendo eShop. Check out brief descriptions of all the games below, as well as links to our reviews! At 29.99, these are all must owns, if not in your collection already!

blank Articles, News 7 years ago

Pikachu New Nintendo 2DS XL Launching Soon

Alongside the launch of Detective Pikachu, Nintendo is launching a Pikachu New Nintendo 2DS XL in January for 209.99 in Canada. The new design features the loveable electric Pokémon's face, which really pops as you can see in the picture below! Check out more info from Nintendo and begin saving those dollars! This will be a hot ticket item!

blank Articles 7 years ago

Detective Pikachu Coming West in March

The Pokémon Company announced today via a trailer on their YouTube page that Detective Pikachu - already a playable title in Japan - is heading west this March for Nintendo 3DS. Alongside the release of the game on March 23rd, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company are also releasing a unique amiibo, a detective Pikachu! Take a peak at the trailer below!

blank Articles 7 years ago

Kirby Battle Royale Demo Impressions

Nintendo’s pink puffball hero Kirby has been in a lot of games for the 3DS. Most Kirby games are platformers, but we did see a free-to-play fighting game called Team Kirby Clash Deluxe for the system too. And this month Kirby will be in another fighting game for the 3DS: Kirby Battle Royale! Nintendo released a demo for the game yesterday and I wanted to share my first impressions of it. Is the Kirby Battle Royale demo any good? I…

blank Articles, News 7 years ago

Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft Consumer Report – From Least Concerned to Most in 2018

When the clock ticks past 11:59 PM on New Years Eve and everyone celebrates a new year, its hard not to reflect on the past year, and what’s to come, whether in our personal lives, professional lives, or even our gaming lives. Nintendo easily won 2017, despite Sony having a really good showing, and although Microsoft launched a new console this year, it seems to have already sold the bulk of its units to early adopters, as sales have drastically trickled off. But what does 2018 have in store? Can Nintendo maintain - let alone build on - the successes of 2018? Can Sony build on a very solid 2017? And can Microsoft do anything to bring fans back? Let’s break down the big three and where they will sit in 2018!

blank Articles, News 7 years ago

Pokémon Crystal coming to Nintendo 3DS January 26

Having Pokémon games on the eShop has been great, and allowed me to go back and revisit some of my favorite titles in the series. Like the Mario Bros games, Pokémon titles seem to be the games you tend to buy over and over again if you are a huge fan; with the launch of Pokémon Crystal on the Nintendo eShop this January, I'll be able to add an other Pokémon classic to my collection of Pokémon games. Read the entire press release from Nintendo below, and stay tuned for more Pokémon Crystal news!

blank Articles, News 7 years ago

The Pokémon Company has sold over 300 Million Games to Date

Since 1996, the Pokémon Company has been releasing video games on every Nintendo system, and today the company announced it has surpassed 300 million sales across all those platforms and games. Since 1996, The Pokémon Company has released 76 titles total. While they have released a ton of games, to reach 300 million global lifetime sales is a huge feat, and the company should be complimented for such a long, successful franchise. Check out all the details below in the press release!