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Dying Light

Dying Light features the main character, Kyle Crane, who is an undercover agent sent to recover data for the GRE organization and Kyle Crane quickly realizes that something is wrong and things aren’t what they seem. He decides to help a group of survivors. Chaos then ensues, as it does in all zombie games with hordes of the walking dead roaming the streets. As we follow our group of survivors we grow with them in the story and really care about their progress making the majority of the events in Dying Light deep and impacting.

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Just Cause 3 Review

We don't have enough mindlessly fun games on console anymore. It just doesn't exist. I'm going to get this out of the way early. The story in Just Cause 3 is not very good; it could have been way better! However, it is a catalyst for what the real joy is: mayhem and mass destruction. Most consumers will get more enjoyment out of liberation efforts than actually attempting to complete story missions. Between all the explosions and challenges, there is more than enough content to offset the weak story to make people buy this game. It is totally worth it.

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Rise of the Tomb Raider Review

I went into Tomb Raider with pretty low expectations. At X15 in Toronto, I was treated to a 20 minute demo of the first tomb in the game, and I came out of it incredibly disappointed. Rise of the Tomb Raider looked like every other action adventure puzzle game I had ever played. To me, it seemed like a poor attempt to replicate the Uncharted franchise before Uncharted 4 had a chance to come out (yes I realize Tomb Raider on 360 was similar as well).

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Opinionated Logan: Yoshi’s Woolly World

The first thing my son and I did when we received our copy of Yoshi's Woolly World from Nintendo for review was unbox the blue and pink yarn Yoshi amiibos that we purchased from Best Buy here in Canada. His impressions of the the amiibo (transcribed from audio recording):

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Yoshi’s Woolly World Review

It really has been a long time since we have received a really good Yoshi title on any Nintendo platform. It could be argued that the last, really good Yoshi game was the original Yoshi's Island! Nintendo laid out their plans for Yoshi's Woolly World a long time ago, and the game has gone major transformations from what was originally shown. The time it took to get this game out to the public made a lot of fans worried, especially as during the time period Nintendo released a fairly mediocre Yoshi's New Island. After playing through all six worlds, I can ...

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Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Version Review

Back in 2010, THQ released a sequel to the popular Darksiders game titled – not surprisingly – Darksiders 2. Now in 2015, the game has been enhanced and ported to the Xbox One and Playstation 4. While subtle changes have been made, there doesn’t seem to be any reason for previous Darksiders fans to come back and play the game again. For those that have never played, however, Darksiders 2 on Xbox One will make you feel like you are…

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Halo 5 Guardians Review

My expectations for Halo 5 Guardians were mixed. One one hand, it is Halo, and 343 Industries and Microsoft have rarely strayed from the core mechanics that make up a Halo game. On the other hand, 343 promised a much different Halo experience, which they demoed multiple times at many trade shows: squad combat. Although squad combat is not new to the franchise, it was the first time it was used exclusively in the a numbered Halo game. So how does Halo 5 Guardians hold up to other Halo games and this current generation? We think it did okay, if not better than okay.

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AC Syndicate: Reasons to be Excited

Assassins Creed Syndicate launches tomorrow, October 23rd, in North America. Review scores are slowly coming in and the game seems to be hovering around the 8-8.5 mark out of 10. Good for Ubisoft. Many wondered what kind of game we would be getting this time around. Assassins Creed Black Flag was one of the best in the series, but it followed up the poorly performing Assassins Creed III. Subsequently, the game that came after Black Flag, Assassins Creed Unity, was also in many ways a complete and utter disaster. While the game was improved with updates, few ...

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Star Wars Battlefront Beta

Like many others, the second the download went live for Battlefront I jumped on my computer, navigated to the Xbox website, and made sure to hit download so it would be ready when I got home. For some, this worked out great, for others...not so much. The first two days of the Battlefront beta for myself were frustrating to say the least, but overall, Star Wars Battlefront is a game I want to be playing when it launches this November.

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Lego Dimensions Review

LEGO is a powerhouse in the toys marketplace, and for good reason. LEGO is not your average toy. It can be manipulated into anything the creator wants. Parts can be mixed and matched, characters that have no place being in the same realm all of a sudden coexist. It is the creative options that makes the toy so admired by children and adults a like. It really shouldn't be any surprise that LEGO, Travelers Tales, and Warner Bros. teamed up to release their own toys-to-life game into a genre that is possibly over crowded already. So how does LEGO Dimensions ...

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