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Rayman Legends lacking content on Vita

Rayman Legends on the Vita is not quite as complete as what you would get if playing on any of the other consoles. Released to pretty much all main consoles last week, the portable version of Ubisoft’s wacky platformer lacks any of the Invasion levels found on PS3, 360 and Wii U.

rayman 1

Notice the Lum count of 700 here…


rayman 2

..on the Vita however, the Lum count is only 615.

Invasion levels are a series of challenging speedruns designed to put even the best of you through your paces. These levels are considered to be the most challenging, yet rewarding levels in the game. The omission of these levels on Vita is unfortunate to say the least and fans who bought the portable version are feeling pretty hard done by right about now.

To be fair though, there are Murphy specific challenges on Vita that are not on the PS3 and 360, but that is due to the lack of a touchscreen on said systems, not hardware limitations.

If you truly want everything Rayman Legends has to offer then your best bet is to buy it on the Wii U which includes the Invasion levels, and the Murphy challenges.

Ubisoft has yet to respond to queries on the matter of the missing Vita levels.

images courtesy of VanWinkle

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blank With almost 30 years of video game experience to his name, Steven knows more than a thing or two about the industry and has been putting it all to words these past few years. As a trophy hunter, the Playstation brand gets most of his attention. Twitter: SteveVanEekeren PSN: Devils_Demon

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