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blank News 12 years ago

Metal Gear Veteran Akio Ōtsuka Still Playing Big Boss in Japanese Phantom Pain

With the almost unthinkable announcement that David Hayter would not be returning for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, many people have taken to trying to explain why that might be. Perhaps Richard Doyle is coming in, now that Big Boss is getting older? Maybe a young Solid Snake is appearing, voiced by the only guy we thought could play the character? All are possible, if a little unfounded. The theories don’t hold much water when you realize Akio…

blank News 12 years ago

Old Kojima Tweet Foretells Phantom Pain Reveal, Online Multiplayer, Release Date?

Can Kojima say or do anything that isn't later seen as part of some big conspiracy? In December 2011, the Metal Gear Solid creator posted a tweet about game promotion in the western market. At the time it had people scratching their heads - it didn't really fit with anything he'd been promoting up until that point (certainly not Metal Gear Rising). Move forward a year and a bit, and things are starting to fall into place...

blank News 12 years ago

Phantom Pain – Hospital Level is a Tutorial

There are a lot of people debating the meaning behind the Hospital in the newly unveiled Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and rightly so. An awful lot of the new trailer seems to revolve around the area, as did the last trailer. Lost amid the excitement, however, is the fact that the Hospital is set to be the game’s opening tutorial level. This was confirmed by Kojima during the presentation. This means an awful lot to discussing the…

blank News 12 years ago

The Phantom Pain is Metal Gear Solid V – Trailer

We all knew that The Phantom Pain was a Metal Gear Solid game, and that all the misdirection was just that. Today it has been confirmed that The Phantom Pain is actually Metal Gear Solid V, alongside an absolutely stunning 6 minute long trailer that will almost certainly have you on the edge of your seat. Don’t forget to slam the resolution up to 1080p. Some of it we’d seem before, a lot of it is brand new. It looks…

blank News 12 years ago

Next Ninja Gaiden Made with Unreal Engine 3

There were rumours at the end of last year that the next Ninja Gaiden game, Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z, would be made using Epic’s Unreal Engine 3. Tecmo Koei and Epic have today confirmed those rumours, With a beautiful new cel-shaded art style, this new reboot of the infamously difficult series is bound to split fans, but no more so than the last iteration – Ninja Gaiden 3. Further information will be released about the game over the coming months,…

blank News 12 years ago

Rock Band DLC Ends on a High Note

Easily the best party music franchise is coming to an end next week, when the final piece of DLC for Rock Band 3 is released. As a goodbye to the franchise and to the thousands of diehard fans who have supported them through to this point, Harmonix have announced that the last song will be the very suitable 'American Pie' by Don McLean. It's been a big request over the years, so what better way to end four years of weekly DLC?

blank News 12 years ago

Want to be the Very Best? – European Pokemon Championships Dated

If you couldn’t read through the title of this post without breaking into song, there’s a bit of good news for you. If you’re a PokeNut and have a team to be proud of in Black and White 2, you could be in for a chance to be shipped off to Vancouver, where you can prove yourself to the world as the ultimate Pokemon master. Professor Oak would be proud. The European leg of the competition will be held across…

blank News 12 years ago

PAX East: 2K Announces XCOM: Enemy Unknown for iOS

During their conference at PAX East, games publisher 2K Games announced that their turn-based strategy title XCOM: Enemy Unknown – one of the most critically-acclaimed games of 2012 – would be coming to iOS this summer. And they’re not talking about a watered-down version or ‘companion’ game (think Borderlands: Legends): XCOM: Enemy Unknown will essentially be the same game players enjoyed on consoles and PC last winter. How is this possible? Project lead Jake Solomon credits Epic’s Unreal Engine, which…

blank News 12 years ago

Ubisoft think Rayman will be a Wii U System Seller

Ubisoft recently revealed that Rayman Legends – a game that was touted as a release-window must-buy – was being delayed on Wii U so that it could go multi-plat. Fans of the franchise, and people who just wanted an awesome platformer on Wii U, didn’t take the news especially well, and who can blame them? Copies of the Wii U version of the game are probably sitting in warehouses, gathering dust. The feedback and anger haven’t deterred Ubisoft, however, who…

blank News 12 years ago

Double Fine’s Next Game… Ships on a Floppy Disk

Double Fine are currently at PAX East, sharing a booth with Capy, with whom they have released a bundle on Steam. To commemorate their working together, a few developers have created a game: Capy Fine Racing GP, an Outrun-style retro game with a twist - it actually comes on a floppy disk.