Major Nelson released information from Crystal Dynamic today on his blog regarding how viewers can interact with the person playing when on Twitch. What is currently available is pretty simplistic - mostly recieving credits for watching someone complete something major - but there is also a variation that allows you to change up how the person playing will experience the game - using cards. Will you try these cool Twitch things out?
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PDP Products You Don’t Want to Miss
Performance Design Products is not just about the Afterglow brand. Although they have many different headsets and controllers to choose from across past generation and current generation consoles, the company also has some other great licences. In this short article, we will be looking at some of the best PDP products I've purchased over the past few years.
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List of backward compatible games for Xbox One confirmed
Microsoft has released the full list of backward compatible Xbox 360 games totaling 104 games that you'll be able to play on Xbox One on November 12 when the New Xbox Experience rolls out.
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Microsoft Games with Gold announced for November
November's Games with Gold has been announced by Microsoft and it continues with two games for Xbox One and two for Xbox 360 starting on November 1st. Owners of an Xbox One will get the chance to play Pneuma: Breath of Life which has been out and available since February of this year. Xbox One users will also get the new game Knight Squad to round out the games for the new generation system.
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Witcher III: Heart of Stone Expansions Launches
If you've played the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt then you know how great of a game it is. We scored it incredibly high on Games Reviews, and have been looking forward to the DLC for a long while. CD Projekt Red has produced one of the best DLC launches every by a developer, with tons of free content already being made available. So when CD Projekt Red promises 10 more hours of content for 9.99, I'm completely OK with making that purchase.
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Press Release: Dinsney Infinity 4 Player Mode
Today, Disney Interactive revealed details for Marvel Battlegrounds, the upcoming Play Set for Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition, featuring a new four-player, arcade brawler style of gameplay, and an original Marvel storyline. Developed by United Front Games, in partnership with Avalanche Software, Marvel Battlegrounds is the first Disney Infinity Play Set to feature four-player gameplay. With full compatibility for all Disney Infinity Marvel characters, Marvel Battlegrounds features the widest selection of playable characters of any previous Play Set.
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Skylanders amiibo A Sensational Idea
When Reggie and Activision announced at E3 2015 that Nintendo characters were coming to Skylanders, I was fairly skeptical, especially since it was also announced that these characters would also be amiibo compatible. Now that I have the figures in my hands - thanks to Activision who saved me a lot of money (more on that later) - I can say my skeptism was unfounded. While I wish the characters modeled an amiibo more than a Skylander, the final figures are still excellent little toys that are loads of fun to play with in Skylanders SuperChargers.
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NHL 16 Early Impressions, Issues with other Reviews
NHL 16 is a fabulous NHL game, probably the best EA NHL title to date. However, building off EA's first next (current) generation title, NHL 15, wasn't hard. EA learned from NHL 15 and provided a new, better product for hockey fans around the world.
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Disney Infinity 3.0 Toys Top of the Class, Almost
Toys-to-life games often take more time to fully review. Generally, content is almost always open ended - leaving reviewers wondering where to stop - and as a result, there is a lot to look at and experience. There is one thing, however, that is often overlooked in reviews when it comes to Disney Infinity, Skylanders, and amiibo: the look of the figures. Disney Infinity 3.0 provides the best character models yet in the Disney Infinity franchise
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Disney Infinity 3.0 after 60 Minutes
For the longest time, I often would determine my level of interest in a game after sixty minutes. Growing up, I rented a lot of video games, all of which had to pass the sixty minute test before I would buy it from the store. As a reviewer, I technically can't have a sixty minute barometer - I must review the entire game. However, I often still use my sixty minute rule, even if I plan to play the whole game. With the release of Disney Infinity, the the almost impossible ability to adequately review everything in one 'review,' I've decided to share my thoughts ...
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