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Xbox Series X News


Three Things Needed from the PlayStation State of Play

There’s a PlayStation State of Play tomorrow, giving us a look at some of the games coming in the next year or so. Lucky for Sony, we’re all pretty easy to please. There’s not much I want, especially not this side of Christmas. I don’t expect Shenmue III, The Last Guardian and a Final Fantasy VII remake all in one show. I just want it to be solid. Is that too much to ask? It hasn’t always been obvious, for…

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Red Dead 2 Sold 70m – Why Was It Abandoned?

One of my favourite times of the year is when Take-Two updates sales figures for Rockstar Games. GTA5 has sold to 210m people and Red Dead Redemption 2 is a relative flop at only 70m. Yes, a mere 70m copies. So why does it feel like it was abandoned? Don’t get me wrong, nobody is going to complain about the amount of content in that game. It’s a colossal world with systems upon systems, and we’re still discovering new things…

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South of Midnight – Stop Motion Video

South of Midnight is one of the most unique and original Xbox games coming soon. Yesterday, a video promoting the game was released and it was just as unique as the game. Check it out! A stop motion video for South of Midnight was such a neat idea. The game itself seems to use a little bit of stop motion movement and so this unique video is a good way of promoting the game. I listed South of Midnight as…

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No, Xbox Isn’t SEGA

There’s a lot to criticize about Microsoft’s multiplatform “Everything is an Xbox” switch. Some are even comparing them to SEGA. Anybody who was there at the time knows it’s about as inaccurate as you can get. The Dreamcast is one of the greatest consoles ever made. It’s exclusives ooze style and cohesion. Whether it’s Shenmue or Sonic Adventure, you can tell it’s a SEGA game, and a Dreamcast game too. But none of that mattered, because the Dreamcast was dead…

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More Thoughts From Me: Return of the World Map

From the NES all the way to the Playstation 1, world maps were always a given. We saw it sometimes on the PS2 and later but its became a rare rpg feature. Recently though, a few games are bringing it back. Let’s talk about that! Rpgs almost always had a world map on games on the NES, SNES, Genesis, and Playstation 1. Then, when Final Fantasy 10 came out without one, we saw Square Enix and other Japanese publishers move…

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Xbox’s Gambit is Paying Off – Now What?

Xbox seems to have cracked its latest strategy to release games across multiple platforms. They were the biggest publisher in the world last month, and likely to stay that way until Grand Theft Auto VI comes out. This must be good news for Microsoft. It’s not enough for fans. Since the multi-plat talk started more than a year ago, there has been a question about sustainability and the future of Xbox hardware. On the one hand, Xbox owns two massive…

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More Thoughts From Me Special Edition: Xbox Developer Direct Impresses

Xbox had a Developer Direct today. I checked it out and now have some thoughts on it. I’m a huge fan of the Xbox Series X/S. I love the system. And this year, Xbox has a lot of cool looking games coming. So of course I was excited for today’s Developer Direct. What did I think of it? Well, yeah I loved it. Let’s talk more about that. First of all, the Direct started with a surprise game: Ninja Gaiden…

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Xbox Developer Direct Announced for 1/23/25

Xbox has announced a Developer Direct for January 23, 2025. We have the details on the Direct so far below. There will be an Xbox Developer Direct on January 23, 2025. Doom, South of Midnight and more will be shown off. It will take place at 12:00 pm central. South of Midnight is my number 1 most anticipated game of this year. It looks incredible. I love its mix of myth, fantasy, and reality. I can’t wait to see more…

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2025: Predictions for the Year Ahead

The New Year is upon us. Filled with possibility, 2025 could see new highs and lows hit our industry. Here are just a few we can see happening. For the first time in a while, 2025 feels like it can stand alone without reference to Covid. While the last couple of years have been chocked full of delayed titles, this year seems quieter somehow. Then again, we’ve said that before. While there may not be the bulk of anticipated titles…

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2024: A Gaming Year In Review

For the second year in a row, I’m writing a gaming round-up that will feel less about the games and more about the industry. Unfortunately there’s no escaping that in 2024. After a packed 2023, this year felt like it had the potential to be a bit quieter. Not the case. Release after release came and went. Nearly 19,000 games released on Steam. A few of them were successful. But most people weren’t playing new games. For all the releases…

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