Ubisoft is bringing its Ubisoft Plus subscription service to Xbox in the future and announcing that Rainbow Six: Extraction will be coming to Xbox Game Pass at launch. Ubisoft Plus was originally launched for PC and includes access to more than 100 Ubisoft games, including titles like Far Cry 6, for $14.99 per month. Ubisoft isn’t announcing exactly when its subscription service will arrive on Xbox, only that it “will be coming to Xbox in the future,” according to Ubisoft…
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2021 Was the Year of Covid – and 2022 Will Be Too
New Years is usually the time when we reflect on the past 12 months. And in the case of 2021 one word sticks out: covid. It influenced our day-to-day lives, our politics, our jobs. It impacted our video games, and it will continue to do so. Sony and Nintendo released so few mainstream games last year, while Microsoft’s biggest title came along after a year’s delay. The already barren first years of the new console generation were about as bad…
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Disney Classic Games – Jungle Book, Aladdin and The Lion King
When Disney and it’s development partners work together to bring a title to Nintendo Switch, you know it’s going to be something special, and generally, it’s happening for a fairly good reason. In 2019, The Walt Disney Company remade two of their iconic, classic animated titles into live action pictures. In 2021, they built on that game collection and added The Jungle Book. Let’s take a look. Before jumping into the Jungle Book, it’s worth noting that due to popular…
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Late to the Party, But Minecraft Walt Disney World is Fantastic
Have you wanted to travel to Disney World but the pandemic is limiting your options? Or is the ever increasing ticket prices making the dream vacation a continual dream instead of a reality? Then perhaps you need to grab a 29.99 CAD copy of Minecraft, drop around 13.00 on the Disney World pack, and enjoy the sites of Walt Disney World without the guests!
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All Hail The Game Awards
It’s the most wonderful time of the year – the Game Awards. That means a fanbase who simultaneously don’t value awards but get incredibly angry when their favourite titles don’t get any. There’ll be some fun trailers and, as is tradition, absolutely no mention of Silent Hill. And, genuinely, for all the downplaying that gets done at this time of year, it’s still and event that gets people talking at a time when there isn’t much new to talk about.…
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Bethesda Titles to Pick Up this Holiday Season
Bethesda had a fantastic run in 2021 with mega hits like Deathloop, and continuations of some of their longest running franchises like Fallout 76 and The Elder Scrolls Online.
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Batman Bundle is a Humble Triumph
Sometimes it feels like the days of extreme PC discounts is long gone – and then you see the new Batman Humble Bundle and the memories all come flooding back. For less than £8 – somewhere around $10 – you can have almost every great Batman game made in the last 15 years. And it’s well worth every penny. The bundle includes Arkham Asylum, City and Knight, as well as the often forgotten (officially) Origins. You’ll also get three Lego…
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Great Farming / Craft Simulation Games this Holiday Season
There have been a number of fantastic farming simulation and crafting games published this year across all consoles, and we've rounded up a few of our favourites! Check out our top picks for this holiday season for games that will have you farming, crafting, and even defeating enemies on the open field!
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Can Grow: Song of the Evertree Overcome a Slow Start – Yes it Can
With limited time to play and review games, there are a number of things that can make me put down a review build of a title and walk away. One of those things is when a game just cannot seem to get out of it's own way and let players...play! And that was almost the case with Grow: Song of the Evertree, and if it wasn't for my love of these style of games - Hello Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons! - I probably would have quit within the first 2 hours. Fortunately for me, I didn't!
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Before We Leave Handles City Building with Ease on Xbox Series X
Before We Leave, a fun and deep city builder from Team 17 lands on Xbox today, and I have been playing it for the better part of a week. And I'll admit off the top that I was really skeptical of how this game would run on console. When it comes to strategy games on console, only two have really worked in my opinion: Planet Coaster (which I played on the PlayStation 5), and Two Point Hospital (which I played on Nintendo Switch). So the question became - could I find a equally fun experience on Xbox and love it? Let's take a look.
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