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How To Jump Backwards in Shadow Man Remastered

Shadow Man is back, and with him the age old question of how to beat the game’s true boss: any ledge from which you have to jump backwards.


I’m kidding of course. But it is something you eventually have to do, and it’s something that’s not especially well explained.

And yes, if you go searching, it won’t take long to find people who complained about this issue in the original release of this game.

The good news is that it’s easy when you know how. However, it’s not something that you’ll probably do naturally.

Jumping Backwards in Shadow Man

You’ve raced through the game and got to the third area. You’ve made it most the way through there too, collecting every item you come across and defeating the dead like a champ.

However, one thing has slowed you down: the controls.

There’s one particular ledge that seems to cause this problem repeatedly. It’s a wooden ledge towards the end of the level. You can jump to it just about, but there is a ledge that seems to be the way to go. Even though this section can be skipped, another ledge shortly after cannot.

So here it is: how to defeat the ledge boss.

It really is simple. Lean forward, as though you’re trying to walk. Then press the jump button. You have to press forward to go back.

I imagine there’s an instruction manual for the original Shadow Man that went into a bit more detail on the controls, and that the mountains of people who haven’t been able to work it out over the years just didn’t see it. Who read instruction manuals anyway?

But with a digital release, there’s no longer a paper manual to ignore. With scant instructions within the game itself, you’re left to figure it all out by yourself.

Shadow Man Remastered was released on Xbox One and PS4 on January 13. The Switch version was released on January 17.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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