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More Thoughts From Me Special Edition: Wow! What A Great Direct!

Today, Nintendo had an all-new Direct. And it…was AMAZING. I talk about what I liked so much about today’s Nintendo Direct below. Today was Nintendo Direct Day. I was prepared for disappointment. As it turned out…I was not disappointed (for the most part). Nintendo delivered the best Direct is a long time in my opinion. What was so great about it? Well, first of all: Nintendo announced not one but TWO additional videos to be premiere in October: The final…

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Dice Legacy

Dice Legacy a challenging beautiful game that is about making tough and important decisions that will be the determine the fate of your realm by a roll of a dice before the harsh winter comes. What awaits in this beautiful harsh world, only you can find out? Are you up for the challenge?

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Virtuous Western

The last time I played a game set in the old west, it was an rpg. This time, its a puzzle/strategy game! Welcome to Virtuous Western for the Nintendo Switch. It is a unique twist on the western shooter genre. Is it any good? In Virtuous Western, you play as a cowboy who is out to get rid of the bad guys. There is a twist though! This cowboy can only use one bullet at a time and the bad…

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Fort Triumph Is Available Now on the Nintendo Switch eShop

Fort Triumph, a strategy rpg, is now available for the Nintendo Switch eShop! Check out our first impressions of the game below. Fort Triumph is now available on the Nintendo Switch eShop. We received a review code of the game and have been playing it a bit. Fort Triumph is a strategy rpg in the vain of Mario and Rabbids and Xcom. Players use cover to hide from enemies attacks and various abilities to take foes down for good. Fort…

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More Thoughts From Me E3 Special Edition: Absolutely Wholesome

Okay I was going to wait until tomorrow for the Xbox/Bethesda and Square Enix events to write more columns, but…I really need to talk about the Wholesome Direct. We just have to talk about the best E3 event so far! In case you missed it, you can check it out in the video below. Some of you may have missed the best E3 2021 event so far. It was not Summer Game Fest or Ubisoft Forward…no. It was… THE WHOLESOME…

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More Thoughts From Me E3 Special Edition: Ubisoft’s Dull Show Ends With A Bang

Ubisoft had their E3 event today and…well…look at the title. I mean, I know that kind of sums things up, but let me go into more detail. Ubisoft’s E3 event was today and…well technically its still going on as I write this. They have a post-show event about this Rainbow Six thing. I do not care. I have it on anyway. Let’s back up. What did I think of the pre-Ubisoft show? Um. It was not much of a pre-show…

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Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope Announced

Ahead of today’s Ubisoft Forward, Nintendo’s official website posted that another Mario + Rabbids game is coming out next year! The game is called Sparks of Hope. We have more details below. Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hopes is coming out in 2022. Here is what the official Nintendo website says about the game: ” Team up with Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Rabbid Peach, Rabbid Luigi, and their friends on a galactic journey to defeat a malevolent entity and save…

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Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom PRINCE’S EDITION – Nintendo Switch Announcement Trailer

Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a really good game and you can get it now for the Nintendo Switch. If you love rpgs and animated movies, than its is a must have. Its sequel: Revenant Kingdom is more of an action rpg but its still a pretty good game! Guess what? Its coming to the Nintendo Switch this year! Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom Princes’s Edition will be coming out on the Nintendo Switch on…

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More Thoughts From Me #269: The Return of E3

Last year there was no E3. It wasn’t a great year for games. This year so far has been better but developers are still struggling a bit. And E3 is returning. I want to talk about E3 and why gamers shouldn’t set their expectations too high. E3 is returning this year. It will be an all virtual event though, so there will be no show floor for press, developers, and celebrities’ to attend. Most of the big publishers will be…

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Nintendo Announces Game Builder Garage For the Switch

As we all know by now, Nintendo loves to surprise its fans. Today, out of nowhere, a brand new game that we knew nothing about was announced: Game Builder Garage! This new game will let players build their own games. Check out the trailer below and then come back here for some thoughts on Game Builder Garage for Nintendo Switch. Game Builder Garage isn’t the first game by Nintendo to let players create their own games of course. Warioware DIY,…

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