After a strong first year which saw the Nintendo Switch get great support from many third party developers, E3 2018 seems to be signing a very different tune for the remainder of the year, and into 2019. While many games are coming to the system - and a good amount of 3rd party support as well - some of it is not coming soon enough, and some is not coming at all. Nintendo has a successful console on their hands with the Nintendo Switch, there is no doubt about that. But can it survive on it's own franchises unlike its predecessor, the Wii U?
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Are Long Time Mario Party Fans Getting the Game They Want?
Mario Party is back, channeling the original titles focus of board game playing, and ditching the recent team concept. And I’m all for it! For a whole console generation now, Mario Party as a franchise has been on a steady decline. Both Mario Party 9 on the Nintendo Wii and Mario Party 10 on the Nintendo Wii U, ditched the concept of individual play, and instead put players together in a vehicle. For players who had been fans since Mario Party 1, this was a letdown, and enthusiasm for the franchise waned.
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Splatoon 2 News Update
Splatoon 2 news! Nintendo announced today that the Splatoon 2 single player will be coming soon. Real soon! Plus, they also announced something other things for Splatoon 2. Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion DLC will be coming out tomorrow (June 13). The DLC will be a new single player story mode. Although, if you beat the mode, you’ll unlock the ability to play as an Octoling in the multiplayer! Nintendo said that new weapons and multiplayer stages would continue until December…
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Pokémon Lets Go Demoed at E3 2018 – New Details and Pricing
Pokémon Go has been a game I've come back to every once in a while, but since the announcement of Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Pokémon Let's Go Eevee, I've been playing almost every day, attempting to catch as many of the original 151 Pokémon as possible. Today, Nintendo demoed the game more extensively during the Nintendo Treehouse Live, and we have the details from that stream here!
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Brief Rundown of Nintendo’s E3 Direct – Nintendo of Canada PR
A lot of information was dumped on Nintendo fans during the companies 45 minute Nintendo Direct today, and we will have breakdowns of all the great games coming to Nintendo consoles within the next few days. However, we've compiled the highlights below, courtesy of Nintendo of Canada PR!
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More Thoughts From Me E3 Edition: Smash Bros Switch Looks Amazing
We knew that Nintendo would have Smash Bros for the Nintendo Switch this year. We knew that for sure. But what else did Nintendo show? Well…not a lot…but hey, Smash Bros looks amazing! Smash Bros Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch has been announced. It is coming out in December. It looks amazing. Ok, now that I got that out of the way…I have to say that I’m disappointed. Not by Smash Bros, it looked great, but by the lack of…
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Super Mario Party coming to Nintendo Switch on October 5
Super Mario Party will be landing on Nintendo Switch on October 5, and the game looks to be bigger and better than ever before. Here are a few things we learned from the brief trailer shown during the Nintendo Direct!
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John Deere Coming to Farming Simulator 19
Farming Simulator 19 is being shown off at this years E3, and the good people at Giants Software have just released another trailer detailing the biggest new addition to the franchise: John Deere. John Deere might be the biggest name in farming tractors, and until today, have rarely had their licence in any popular farming simulation games. Now that is all changing, and Giants has landed the big whale when it comes to it's competition with other farming simulation companies. Here's hoping more surprises like this will come to the game!
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Nyko is Launching All New Accessories for Nintendo Switch
Today, Nyko announced that all new accessories would be coming to retail for the Nintendo Switch, most of which are launching this Spring or Summer, and will be available to pre-order on Amazon soon! The Nintendo Switch is one of the hottest consoles on the market right now, and companies like Nyko are finding new and innovating ways to create more and more physical products for them! Check out the details from the press release below!
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E3 2018 – Starlink: Battle for Atlas Revealed – Ubisoft Press Event
While most companies are ditching the toys to life genre of games, Ubisoft Toronto is planning on embracing it with their newest title, Starlink: Battle for Atlas, which will be available this October on Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch. The team at Ubisoft went all out during the event today, even bringing up a Nintendo legend to detail some unique features coming to the Switch version of the game: the ability to play the entire game as Fox!
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