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Creative SXFI AIR

What makes the Creative SXFI AIR unique?

Lately, there has been a lot of buzz around the latest in audio technology to come from Creative, the SXFI AIR headphones. In fact, they even won 15 Best of CES awards for 2019. But what is it about Creative’s SXFI AIR that makes it so unique and worthy of all this attention?  The term that is being used to describe the edge that the Super X-Fi AIR has over its competitors is called Holographic Audio. While hearing this phrase for the first time might conjure images of Star Trek-ian technology, Holographic Audio, when broken down to its simplest form, is the ...

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Top 5 Hitman Games of All Time

Since its launch in 2000, the Hitman franchise has experienced one reboot after another. It also inspired two films, one graphic novel, and an online slot. Gamers always differ on which Hitman game is the best but one thing is clear: it’s not the original. It’s an unfortunate occurrence. Hitman: Codename 47 introduced the incredible game to the world. But for better or for worse, the game inspired the creation of much better sequels. Below are five of the best…

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The mobile esports is trending

At the very beginning of 2018, the row of specialists made an assumption that mobile games will be the main trend in the nearest years. Mobile games showed a significant growth not only in terms of a number of viewers but in terms of the level of organizing and hosting large competitions over the last year. Arena of Valor is the obvious leader in these terms. The game has managed to win hearts of Southeast Asian fans and to become…

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Stardew Valley on Android is Fantastic

Over the past number of years, I cannot tell you the number of times that I have purchased and played Stardew Valley, across multiple devices. I own it on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC, and now even on Android. Despite few updates over the last little while, I still see myself beginning new farm after new farm, and loving every minute of it. My initial reaction to Stardew Valley coming to Android was relatively optimistic, but of course there were…

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Google and Valentines the Perfect Combination?

We have been reviewing a ton of Google products over the past year, and for the most part, have been loving each and every one of them! But like any company, Google doesn't waste a good 'holiday' to get you excited about their products. And for the record, you should get excited for their products because they are fantastic. So how exactly does Google connect their products to Valentines Day? Let's take a look at the info sent over by Google Canada!

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BlackBerry KEY 2 LE

The BlackBerry KEY 2 LE takes the greatest features of the BlackBerry KEY 2 and give it to consumers at a cheaper price. Moving from the 'mack daddy' version down to the little brother was something I was worried about doing, but after using the KEY 2 LE for over a month now, the features I thought I was missing from the regular version didn't seem that important. So while this review might read as a "what the KEY 2 LE lacks that the KEY 2 has," please don't look at it this way. This is a fantastic phone!

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Why Are We Seeing a Trend of Reality TV-Inspired Mobile Games?

Gaming has always been ripe for exploration when it comes to other forms of media. From the amazing Riddick games from Starbreeze to the critically and commercially panned Superman 64 from now-defunct studio Titus Interactive, adaptions here have run the gambit of both time and quality. In the modern age, however, we are noticing a definite trend of reality television shows increasingly being adapted into mobile games. So why is this happening, and is this a trend we expect to…

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Google Pixel 3 XL Review-in-Progress – The Camera 9.5/10

Last week, our good friends at Google Canada sent us a #GiftFromGoogle that included a Google Pixel 3 XL, a Google Pixel Charging Stand, and the Google Pixel 3 XL official case. Over the past few days, we've been putting the phone through its paces, and are happy to say that overall, we are incredibly impressed with the latest from Google. While we haven't had the device long enough to put a final score and verdict on it quite yet, we wanted to talk about a few of our favorite feature so far, beginning with the all new Camera features.

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Made by Google 2018 event

Today Google unveiled some of their newest products hitting store shelves this fall and winter; during the Made by Google 2018 event, the Google Pixel 3 / Google Pixel 3 XL and the Pixel Slate and Keyboard were shown off to great fanfare! Along with a number of other announcements, this was a fantastic event that kicks of the next year of Google products! The way Google unveiled the devices was different – having them come up out of the…

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Little Mermaid Event a Smashing Success So Far – Disney Magic Kingdoms

When it was announced that The Little Mermaid was coming to Disney Magic Kingdoms, I was more excited than most. As one of my favourite Disney movies - because frankly, the music is fantastic - I couldn't wait to start unlocking characters and adding new attractions and decorations to my park. And within the first week, the development team didn't disappoint with a bunch of characters, a few locations, and some decorations! So far, it's been a great success!

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