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Tear Down That Fourth Wall: A Look At Yooka-Laylee’s Writing

I’ve said again and again in my reviews of platformers that these types games usually don’t have good stories. In general, the writing in platformers is anywhere from “well, its a fun game” to “cringe, cringe, cringe”. There are exceptions to that rule though, such as Ratchet & Clank and Super Paper Mario. And awhile Yooka-Laylee for Nintendo Switch doesn’t have as good a story as Ratchet & Clank or Super Paper Mario, it does have excellent dialogue! Warning: there…

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Pinball FX 3 Available now on Nintendo Switch – Get Three Free Tables for a Limited Time!

A console without a pinball game is a travesty, and thankfully Nintendo has avoided going into the new year without its own ball bouncing fun! Thanks to Zen Studio, Pinball FX 3 has landed on the Nintendo Switch just in time for the holidays, and with the Switch's unique features, it might just be the best pinball experience yet!

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Pokémon Crystal coming to Nintendo 3DS January 26

Having Pokémon games on the eShop has been great, and allowed me to go back and revisit some of my favorite titles in the series. Like the Mario Bros games, Pokémon titles seem to be the games you tend to buy over and over again if you are a huge fan; with the launch of Pokémon Crystal on the Nintendo eShop this January, I'll be able to add an other Pokémon classic to my collection of Pokémon games. Read the entire press release from Nintendo below, and stay tuned for more Pokémon Crystal news!

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Into the Pixelated Dungeon: A Look At One More Dungeon For Nintendo Switch

One More Dungeon for the Nintendo Switch sneaks up on you. Of course, you would think you would know by the name “One More Dungeon” that something addictive might be waiting for you. Though, you’ve been through so many randomized dungeon crawlers before, maybe you’re becoming a little jaded? Granted, the concept of One More Dungeon isn’t anything new, but the execution of it will hook you. Ratalakia Games provided with a review code of this game. I’m not…

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Turtle Beach Recon Camo Review

Turtle Beach is no stranger to headset releases, especially those tied to video game launches. Although not directly licenced, it was no coincidence that the Turtle Beach Recon Camo headset launched alongside Call of Duty: WWII! We've had this headset for a few weeks now, and have really been enjoying most aspects of it. Let's dive in, and you can see if it's the right fit for your needs and budget!

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First Look: Yooka-Laylee Double Jumps Onto the Nintendo Switch

This week, Yooka-Laylee will finally arrive on the Nintendo Switch! Team 17 gave a review code for the game and I played it a bunch yesterday. I’m not very far into the game yet, however I wanted to give you my first impressions of it! So how is Yooka-Laylee on the Nintendo Switch? I can’t stop playing Yooka-Laylee for the Nintendo Switch. Even as I write this article, I’m wishing that I was playing the game instead. I am…

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More Thoughts From Me #98: Is that the Game of the Year?

I did not watch the Game Awards last week. I thought about it, but Psych the Movie won out for my attention and I definitely made the right choice! That said, I did hear that Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild won Game of the Year. I really love that game, but is it my Game of the Year? And just how do I feel about these year end game awards that everybody does? I am a huge Legend…

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Broadway Style Shows Aboard Disney Cruise Line

One of my favourite things to do onboard Disney Cruise Line is to get dressed up, go to our 5:45 dinner reservation, and cap the evening off with a Broadway style show in the Walt Disney Theatre. If you've read anything about the cruise line industry, you've probably heard that, in general, onboard entertainment is often lacking. The shows you are generally treated to are B or C grade level productions, because the argument goes, if these individuals were really talented, they wouldn't be on a cruise ship. That is definitely not the case for Disney Cruise ...

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PlayStation descends on PDP’s Pixel Pals

We've had lots of Nintendo figures, Master Chief to represent the Microsoft interests, and tons of figures that represent multiplatform gaming and comic book fandom, but one company has yet to come to the table for a Pixel Pal release. That all ends soon, with the launch of the God of War: Kratos figure, and the Ratchet and Clank: Ratchet figure. PlayStation has descended on the Pixel Pals lineup, and I could not be happier. With so many great franchises coming out of Sony's numerous studios, the possibilities for licenced Pixel Pals from Performance Design ...

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Nintendo Sells 10 Million Nintendo Switch Units World Wide

When we posted our contest for a prize pack from Nintendo of Canada - which you can find by clicking here - we gushed over the amazing relationship we've had with the company for many years, with the highlight of our relationship being able to be on the ground floor for the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo has had a fantastic year, there is no doubt about it. They've had fantastic sales throughout the year, great scores on their top games, and even a bit of hardware from the Video Game Awards just last week. The dark days of the Wii U seem to be far behind us ...

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