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blank Articles 2 years ago


Autonauts is a game where you create robots and then they go off to create a world. How is this game? Is this something everyone should check out? Here is our review of Autonauts for the Nintendo Switch! Autonauts is a game about creating automated worlds. The game has no story at all but there are three modes to explore. In Settlement mode, you start off as a robot who lands on a new world and then creates other robots.…

blank Articles 2 years ago

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Direct Announced for 6/22

Its that time of the year when everyone expects a Nintendo Direct. Though, we didn’t get one during Not-E3. And now…Nintendo has announced a Nintendo Direct. Its just not the one we were all expecting. Check out the details and our thoughts on this announcement below. A Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Direct was announced for 6/22. This Wednesday. It will be about 20 minutes long. It will air at 9am central time. What new things could be shown during the Direct?…

blank Articles 2 years ago

Why Online Casinos in UK Will Experience Rapid Growth in 2022

Online casino is one of the fastest-growing and most profitable industries, but it’s not just popular for those who are in their golden years. Online casinos allow you to top on at any time, day or night and enjoy exciting games without risking your money or travel time. The UK has proven to be one of the most reputable countries for online casinos, with a high level of security and transparency that puts players’ minds at ease. The country also…

blank Articles 2 years ago

Google is Taking the First Step to Turn Your TV into a Game Console.

The latest 4K streaming gadget, Chromecast with Google TV, offers a comparable experience to the Google TV Android app. This device differs from previous Chromecast peripherals in that it is self-contained and does not require the usage of a phone. The Chromecast with Google TV comes with its own remote for configuration to replace your TV control, making it the finest streaming tool for non-smart televisions and travelers. Bluetooth allows you to connect your headsets and gamepads, including Xbox and…

blank Articles 2 years ago

6Takarakuji: How It Can Help You Have the Best Gambling Experience

Are you someone who enjoys gambling? If so, there’s a good chance that you’ve heard of takarakuji. Takarakuji is a popular form of gambling in Japan, and it can be a lot of fun to participate in. However, what you might not know is that there is a website named 6Takarakuji that posts relevant news about online casinos, helps users find the best online casinos, provides tips for online casino users, and shows which online casinos have the best bonuses.…

blank Articles 2 years ago

What’s new in Minecraft 2022?

The developers from Mojang Studios have implemented the best game features in Minecraft 2022. Players will meet both friendly and dangerous creatures among the mobs. Some of them have lived in the game world since Minecraft PE 1.18.32. Users will also be able to travel on water and study the properties of new blocks. Biomes There are many beautiful places in Minecraft 2022, some of which are not only picturesque but also dangerous. Players will be able to get acquainted…

blank Articles 2 years ago

It’s Time for Final Fantasy VII Remake on Xbox

Final Fantasy VII Remake came to Steam last night. It’s been on PC via the Epic Game Store for six months, and was on PlayStation platforms for 18 months before that. It’s time, Square Enix – bring it to Xbox. I’m the biggest fan of these games. We shelled out on the special edition of the Remake, and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. I loved the DLC too. With its availability slowly expanding, it doesn’t seem like there’s…

blank Articles 2 years ago

Cloud Gardens

If you’re looking for a slow, thoughtful puzzle game, then you might want to check Cloud Gardens. Here is our review of the game for Nintendo Switch! Cloud Gardens is hard game to explain. Basically, at its heart, the game is about creating art. You are given trash, plants, and a vague setting and set to the task of making it look like something. In the overworld mode, each of the tasks are like puzzles and you have to fill…

blank Articles, News 2 years ago

I Destroyed my Animal Crossing Island and it Felt Good!

One of the biggest complaints with Animal Crossing: New Horizons is that you cannot have more than one island on a single Nintendo Switch console. That means if you have multiple users sharing one Nintendo Switch, they all live on one island together. It also means that if you want to start over on a new save - may be to get a different island layout, different coloured themed items, etc. - you need to completely wipe your first island, and all the work you put into it. 

blank Articles 2 years ago

Upcoming CS:GO Tournaments and Best Teams to Bet On

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is one of the most widespread video games in the modern world. It occupies the first lines on Steam, and every esports fan knows about its existence. And you have an opportunity not only to watch top-class gameplay but also to raise money by making bets on your favorite teams. We will tell you about the upcoming CS:GO tournaments and the strongest teams in this discipline so that you know whom to bet on to increase your…