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Happy MAR10 DAY

Happy MAR10 Day! Its Mario Day and Nintendo celebrated by releasing a new video. Check it out and then come back for our thoughts on the new announcements. Wow. Nintendo went all out for this MAR10 DAY. Not only did they announce a new Super Mario Bros. Movie, but they also gave release dates for Paper Mario (May) and Luigi’s Mansion 2 (June). And we got three Gameboy games coming to the Nintendo Switch Online on the 12th: Dr. Mario,…

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Mia and the Dragon Princess Review

I’m a sucker for the old school FMV games. Playing them on my PC in the mid-late 90s and occasionally we get some on consoles now. The latest of which being Mia and the Dragon Princess, which don’t let the name fool you, the game is full of greatly coordinated fights, explosions, and action. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Mia dreams of adventure, but her feeling of responsibility to her workmates – who have become her surrogate family –…

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The Final Super Mario Bros Movie Trailer Will Air on March 9th

Nintendo has been advertising the Super Mario Bros. movie a lot. They even did a Super Bowl commercial! And next month, we’ll be getting the final trailer for the movie. The final trailer for the Super Mario Bros. movie will air on March 9th, 2023 at 4pm central. It will be aired during a special Nintendo Direct. There will be no video game footage shown during the Direct. We’ve already seen two trailers for the Mario, plus a Super Bowl…

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Nintendo Direct: The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Video)

Today, Nintendo held a short Nintendo Direct about the Super Mario Bros. Movie. You can check that out below along with some thoughts about the movie’s trailer! Whoa. So we’ve finally seen the Super Mario Bros. movie trailer! I’m writing this before looking at what other people will say. I’m sure some will like it, some will hate it, and some will be like “eh? That was it?” Personally I thought… It looked great! Bowser looked like he should and…

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Nintendo Direct: The Super Mario Bros. Movie presentation airs on 10/6

This Thursday, Nintendo will air a new Direct. This direct will be different because it does not feature any game content. Instead, it will be focused on the animated Super Mario Bros. movie! We have the details below. On Thursday, a new Nintendo Direct will air at 1:05pm PT, aka as 3:05pm central. It will be focused on the Super Mario Bros animated movie. The direct will feature the world premiere of the first trailer for the movie! Nintendo has…

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More Thoughts From Me #255: Scott? Scott Pilgrim?

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World: The Game is releasing this week and will appear on lots of platforms. I’ve talked about that elsewhere. Let’s talk about the movie! Scott Pilgrim Vs The World started life as a comic book. I’ve only ever read a little bit of the comic. My experience with the story is via the movie and the game. Today I want talk about the movie. Its still video game related! How is it video game related? Well,…

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More Thoughts From Me #112: Ready Player One?

Most of the time I talk about video games in this column, but today I wanted to change things up a little. Ready Player One is an upcoming motion picture based on a book by Ernest Cline. I read the book and liked it a lot. I can’t wait to see the movie! Why should you care about the movie? Well…the movie (and the book) is about a video game of sorts and has a lot of video game references.…

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Ninjago is Why LEGO Should Keep Inventing

If you've been a lifelong LEGO fan such as myself, you'll know that many LEGO Themes have come and gone. Some popped up around specific movies or events, such as the LEGO Harry Potter sets which launched between 2001 and 2011, or those related to the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies. However, these themes are not LEGO creations, but rather areas of the industry were LEGO flexed their financial muscles, and locked down a lucrative contract. However, LEGO has invited hteir fair share of themes as well, and while they are not always as popular as LEGO ...

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More Thoughts From Me #64: Lara Croft Will Be A Movie Character…Again

The first Tomb Raider movie sucks. Its not Jolie’s fault though. She has proven herself to be a good actress. It was very clear that the writer and director of the Tomb Raider movie wanted to do a “video game” movie. Beautiful actress, lots of action, and the fans are happy right? Ok, I’m not sure how the fans reacted. I just know that I didn’t like the movie. And now they are doing another Tomb Raider movie! This time…

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Marvel Finally Picks Up Spider-Man Rights, but Can it Save the Franchise?

So it would seem that Marvel and Sony have finally realized that the divide separating Spider-Man and the rest of the Marvel cinematic universe is unnecessary. It was announced that Sony had finally agreed to share rights and profits with Marvel in a way that allows Marvel Studios to have more control over the franchise. The possibility of Spider-Man joining the Marvel movies franchise leaves me with mixed emotions. One the one hand, this could be really successful. Marvel has had much more triumph in melding fan satisfaction, good movie making, and box ...

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