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Negative Amazon Xbox One Reviews Come from People Without Xbox One

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The Xbox One launched today, and, if you look at the Amazon reviews, it seems there are a good deal of people disappointed with their purchase. That is until you look a little bit closer and realize all but one or two of the reviews come from people who didn’t actually buy an Xbox One.

Yes, it seems a veritable minefield, buying an Xbox One. Some are complaining about failing Blu-ray drives. Others are worried because their console has completely died out of the box. Unfortunately for Microsoft, and anybody wanted an unskewed review of the console they’re interested in, hardly any of the reviews are likely to be real. Amazon show when a reviewer has actually bought the product through their service, and all but one or two users “bought” the console elsewhere.

Especially on the harsher, vaguer reviews, this means that a good deal of the current negative reviews on Amazon are from people who do not own an Xbox One.

On the other hand, PlayStation 4 negative reviews seem to be about 50/50, between people who bought the console through Amazon and those that didn’t. That can be attributed to it being a little longer after launch, and it’ll be interesting to see how well the Xbox One evens out as more people rate their purchase.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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