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Xbox One Update Slightly Delayed

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An update for the Xbox One was supposedly going to hit today, but unfortunately it’s been slightly delayed. Confirmed by Major Nelson today, the patch will still be arriving at some time during the next week, it just won’t be available to download today. No definitive answer was given as to why.

From Twitter:


Finalizing is rather a vague word, but it sums up what’s going on. It’s not finished now, and it will be later this week. Why they’ve missed this deadline is less clear, although at this point it might have something to do with a problem that’s been found close to release, or an added fix to something they started working on late in development. This sort of thing isn’t just delayed at the last minute for no reason – there’s probably been internal talks about it for days.

This being the internet, there were a lot of people that weren’t at all happy about the delay. One quick-to-judge user even claimed this was the exact reason Sony is “winning” the new-gen. Well, there you go – I guess quicker firmware is what we’re judging things on.



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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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