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blank Articles, News 10 years ago

Forget (But not Really) Smash Bros Wii U! Captain Toad is the Game You Want!

I'm kidding. Smash Wii U will be a fantastic title and completely worth the purchase, but I'm personally worried that Captain Toad is going to get overlooked since it will be released after a Nintendo giant. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is coming, and from the newest trailer, he isn't coming alone. If my memory serves me right, we haven't seen Toadette in a adventure game since Paper Mario on the GameCube. She's back, and appears to play an important role in the games story.

blank Articles, News 10 years ago

The Problems with DLC Evident in Forza Horizon 2; Nintendo does it Right

DLC is definitely a hot topic since it began being a thing. Nntendo was always on record saying DLC was not something they would be interested in doing. Their philosophy was that they were giving consumers what they paid for: the game, the COMPLETE game, that was developed. That philosophy has gone straight into the garbage can, however, as Nintendo realizes the benefits of having DLC: Mario Golf: World Tour, Pikmin 3, Mario Kart, Hyrule Warriors, and more are going to nickle and dime you for months after release.

blank Articles, News 10 years ago

Nintendo Builds up Anticipation with New Release Dates

Nintendo has hit its stride in the last month and they continue the success with more announcements today, including 3DS Smash Bros sales numbers, and release dates for upcoming games and Amiibo figures.

blank Articles, News 10 years ago

Nintendo is Prepared to deal with Quitters in Super Smash Bros

There is nothing worse in online games than someone who rage quits. It sucks when playing sports games especially since games are generally one-on-one; it is less of an issue with first person shooter titles as the game will just get repopulated with another player. Super Smash Bros, both for the 3DS and Wii U, falls into the former. If one of four players quits, the game is altered for the worst.

Forza Horizon Articles 10 years ago

The Success of Forza Horizon 2 is Good for Racing Genre

Forza Horizon 2 is one of the best games on the Xbox One to date, and it is getting universal praise from almost every major gaming website on the web, aside from Polygon. The success of Horizon 2 is really great news for ALL racing genre fans, regardless of platform preferences.

blank Articles, News 10 years ago

Buying Games on Launch Day: Do you do it?

When I was younger and lacked any real responsibilities, I was fairly free with my money. When the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker came out on GameCube, I bought it on day one. When Halo and Halo 2 launched, I bought both those games on launch day. Things have changed, at least for myself, but I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting older, or if in general, people are not buying games on launch day like they use to.

blank Articles, News 10 years ago

Super Smash Bros Wii U Controller Bundle Surfaces

Amazon is often at the forefront of showing off products first. Today, a Super Smash Bros Wii U game bundle, which includes the game, controller, and controller attachment, has been listed on the site for 99.99. While no official release date has been announced by Nintendo, I think it is safe to say we will still be seeing this title before the holidays.

blank News 10 years ago

Nintendo Leading a Double Life: Issues in N.A. and Success in Japan

Nintendo is leading a double life, and it has to be insanely frustrating for the executives. In the west, the Wii U troubles are well documented, and while they have been selling fairly well since the launch of Mario Kart - and, will continue through Hyrule Warriors and Super Smash Bros - they still are not doing as well as they themselves had hoped. In Japan, however, Nintendo is actually selling on par with the PS4, and the New 3DS and the New 3DS LL are blowing both out of the water. It's a good time for Nintendo in Japan, even if its not in the west.

blank Articles, News 10 years ago

Different Levels of Caring: Xbox and Sony vs Nintendo

The current generation is made up of three consoles, with each console doing its best to steal sales and finish number one month after month. Different levels of 'trying' are required. Sony and the PS4 are getting sales regardless of what they do; many of Sony's new following have been swayed by statements (not always necessarily true) made about its number one competitor, Microsoft's Xbox One. Microsoft has more work to do than Sony, although almost completely abandoning Kinect has done wonders for their sales numbers. With a number of high profile releases coming up, Microsoft will be doing just fine come Holiday 2014. Nintendo, on the other hand, lags behind the competition, despite offering quality titles and recently working hard to market their products.

blank News 10 years ago

SteamWorld Heist Blasting Onto Devices in Spring 2015

A few weeks back, I reviewed SteamWorld Dig on the Wii U. The game was so fantastic, I've now owned it on multiple different platforms including my Wii U for at home and 3DS for on the road. The game is that good. If you haven't picked it up, stop reading this useless announcement, grab the game and play it, and come back to read this at your convenience. After all, the release date for their next title isn't until Spring 2015.