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blank News 12 years ago

Sony handing out 10 days PS Plus free

Have you checked your email recently? Sony is now handing out 10 day trials of the immensely popular PlayStation Plus subscription service absolutely free.

blank News 12 years ago

PS1 and PS2 Games Will Come to Gaikai

Sony have by and large been quiet on Gaikai. It exists and will stream games - only PS3 games have been expressly confirmed so far - but that's about it. Which games, how you'll access them, if you'll need to pay again if you already own said game and whether it'll be a service exclusively for PS3 games has yet to be answered. Until today. Sony have today confirmed that legacy PlayStation titles will hopefully be making their way to the Gaikai service on PlayStation 4 some time after launch.

blank News 12 years ago

Watch Dogs Has Always-Online Features, But Isn’t Always-Online

Watch Dogs is a game that you'll want to have connected at all times, Ubisoft has revealed. Multiplayer will be so subtle that you probably won't even know you're in a multiplayer situation until the player entering your game actually chooses to attack, and there's no limit on the time they might follow you around, looking for the perfect opportunity.

blank News 12 years ago

Ratchet & Clank: Into The Nexus confirmed for PS3

Insomniac Games today confirmed that a new Ratchet & Clank adventure is due to hit shelves (and PSN) this holiday season.

blank News 12 years ago

MGS: Legacy Collection coming to EU

Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection has today been confirmed by Kojima Productions to be releasing in Europe this September.

blank News 12 years ago

Ratchet & Clank for PS4 teased?

The image in question does seem to point towards a Ratchet & Clank game. The font is similar to past games, and the image itself has a Ratchet & Clank-esque feel to it.

blank News 12 years ago

GTAV trailer was PS3 footage

Rockstar have earlier confirmed in the comments section on their Official Site that everything shown in the GTAV video was captured from a game running on a PS3 system.

blank News 12 years ago

New Grand Theft Auto V Screens

With the latest gameplay trailer, we’ve been able to capture a new set of Grand Theft Auto V screens that show of the world you’ll be exploring later this year. Along with some returning old favourite features – like the ability to buy real estate – Grand Theft Auto V also allows you to play tennis, sky dive, collect bounties, play the stock market and much, much more.   In these Grand Theft Auto V Screens, we’ve tried to grab some…

blank News 12 years ago

Grand Theft Auto V Gameplay Trailer

You've waiting long enough for it and today Rockstar have delivered. Within the four minutes or so that make up this Grand Theft Auto V gameplay trailer, you'll learn everything you need to know about transferring from character to characters, about shooting and driving, about things you'll do when not on a mission and you'll even get your first glimpse of Grand Theft Auto Online.

blank News 12 years ago

Aliens DLC Unveiled – Stasis Interrupted

There will be some new single player Aliens DLC. Stasis Interrupted will be the final piece of DLC linked to the Colonial Marines season pass and the first piece of single player DLC made available. The four or five people who have been waiting patiently for some single player Aliens DLC (or any Aliens DLC for that matter) since launch probably won't be able to buy it, as they're not allowed access to money lest they spend it on silly things like Aliens: Colonial Marines DLC.