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Switch Reviews


Smoke and Sacrifice Review

I’ve played a few survival rpgs and they are pretty fun. Yes, you will die a lot in survival rpgs, but you also get to do things in them that you don’t find yourself doing in other types of rpgs. For instance, crafting new and surprising items to fight off or capture something. Smoke and Sacrifice for the Nintendo Switch is a survival rpg that puts you into some interesting situations. The game also has a story too. So is…

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Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier Edition

Do you miss the old days of pen, paper, and dice rpgs? Oh wait, do you still play those types of rpgs? There’s nothing at all wrong that! Of course, you could be like me and you never played those rpgs at all. For any of the people listed above, as long as you like rpgs, then you should be interested in Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier Edition for the Nintendo Switch. Why? Read on to find out…

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Battle Chasers: Nightwar Review

Battle Chasers: Nightwar is based on a 90s comic book by artist Joe Madureira. The game was recently released on the Nintendo Switch eshop. We received a review code and checked it out. Is Battle Chasers: Nightwar a good game? Battle Chasers: Nightwar’s story is very interesting. I do wish I had read the comics so that I knew the main characters better, but you don’t need to have read the comics to enjoy this game’s story and dialogue. I…

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Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles Nintendo Switch Review

I’ve been looking forward Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles coming to the Nintendo Switch ever since I played a demo of it on the Playstation 4. Adam Roffel was definitely a fan of the game. But does Yonder live up to my expectations on the Switch? Is this a game you should check out? Here is my review for Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles for the Nintendo Switch. Yonder’s story reminds me a lot of Breath of the Wild’s story.…

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Death Road to Canada Review

We all know that Canada is a wonderful place and its full of wonderful people. That is just a fact! And so it should be no surprise that when the zombie apocalypse hits, Canada is one of the few safe places in the world. Welcome to Death Road to Canada for Nintendo Switch. Its a tough journey to Canada. You’ll be fighting a lot of zombies. Are you ready? Is this a Death Road you want to take? Death Road…

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Saturday Morning RPG Review

G.I. Joe, Transformers, Thundercats, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Looney Tunes, and so many more cartoons are relics of my past, though I still think about most of them till this day. So when a game comes along thats obviously a love letter to those cartoons of old, well, I’m more than interested in it. Saturday Morning RPG for the Nintendo Switch is that game. But is it a good game or just pure nostalgia? Saturday Morning RPG’s story is seperated…

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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Review

Donkey Kong Country is one of Nintendo's longest running franchises, next to Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda, and for good reason. The side scrolling, monkey action has been a staple in homes of Nintendo fans for generations, and while the releases are not as frequent as Mario and Zelda, the quality of the games they do release is fantastic. While we await a new Donkey Kong Country experience on Nintendo Switch - which we believe is imminent - returning to the under appreciated Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze from the Wii U is a great way for ...

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Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs

Not all strategy rpgs are created equal. Sometimes you get a strategy rpg like Final Fantasy Tactics, other times you get cheap knock-offs, or sometimes you get strategy rpgs that are good but could be so much better. Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs came out for the Nintendo Switch recently. Its a strategy rpg with a mix of adventure and a tiny bit of sim to it. Is it a good game though? Lets take a look! Regalia: Of Men…

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Super Daryl Deluxe Review

When I think of the name Daryl, I always tend to think about The Walking Dead. However now, I’ll be thinking about another Daryl too. Super Daryl Deluxe for the Nintendo Switch is a totally odd game. This game could easily become a cult classic on the Switch. People might look at the previews for this game and go “Thats just too odd.” and pass it by. If you’re smart though, you’ll read my review before dismissing Super Daryl Deluxe!…

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Devious Dungeon Review

As I said in my preview for Devious Dungeon, the game is so addictive that I wasn’t even sure I’d get this review done. Here it is though and you may wonder: is Devious Dungeon as good a game as I said it was in my preview? Is this a game that you must download right now? Please check out my review below to find out my final opinion of Devious Dungeon for Nintendo Switch. The story in Devious Dungeon…

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