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Pikmin 4 — Rise to the Occasion (Video)

A new, short trailer for Pikmin 4 has been released. You can check it out below and then please come back for our thoughts on the game. Pikmin 4 received a new trailer today. It was a short video though. The most important thing we saw in the trailer was the new character customization. We’ve never seen anything like this in Pikmin before. It looks pretty neat! Pikmin 4 looks like its going to be a really good game and…

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Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC 2 Has a Title and Teaser

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope has two more DLC packs and the second one finally has a name and a teaser! You can check out the teaser below along with our thoughts. The second Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC is called The Last Spark Hunter. While we didn’t think very much of the first DLC, this second one looks like it might be better. The Last Spark Hunter looks like it’ll be a new story DLC. More…

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Summer Game Fest Will Have Updates From 40+ Partners

There is no E3 this year but Summer Game Fest looks like it’ll be taking over. There will be updates from over 40+ partners, publishers and developers, at the event. We have some thoughts on the event below. Summer Game Fest has been a mixed bag in the past. There have been some good things announced and some alright things. This year is looking a bit better however since some Japanese developers will be there too. Playstation, Sega, Capcom, Square…

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Advance Wars 1+2 Re-boot Camp Review

We previously previewed Advance Wars 1+2 Re-boot Camp and now its time for our review. What do we think of this remake of the first two Advance Wars games for the Nintendo Switch? Advance Wars 1+2 Re-boot Camp is a remake the classic Advance Wars 1 and 2 games for the Gameboy Advance. The games are turn-based strategy games in which you play as the Orange Star Army that’s trying to protect the world from other armies out to cause…

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Nintendo Indie World Showcase Will Air Tomorrow (4/19)

Nintendo will air a new Indie World Showcase tomorrow. We have the details below. A brand new Indie World Showcase from Nintendo will air tomorrow at 11:00 am central. It will be “roughly” 20 minutes long and feature updates, reveals, and announcements. Only indie games will be featured as usual. What will be shown? Honestly, we have no clue. its harder to guess what will be shown in Indie World Showcases than it is Nintendo Directs. And thats saying a…

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Wildfrost Review

Wildfrost is card-based strategy action-adventure game. Its not at all what you expect it to be. Is it a good game though? Is it addictive? Here is our review of Wildfrost for the Nintendo Switch! Wildfrost is addictive card combat game with a lot of strategy. There isn’t much of a story to it, though some neat world history is revealed through journal pages that contain cool illustrations. The gameplay is the core of what makes Wildfrost special. In Wildfrost…

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Minecraft Legends Review

Minecraft is a very popular franchise and its starting to get a few spinoffs. The latest Minecraft spinoff is called Minecraft Legends. What is this spinoff? Is it a good game? Here is our review of Minecraft Legends for the Xbox Series. Minecraft Legends takes place in a world other than the usual Minecraft world. At the beginning of the story, the first person Minecraft hero is pulled out of that world into new world that needs a hero to…

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Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp — Overview Trailer

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp is coming out on April 21st, 2023 for the Nintendo Switch. Check out the new overview trailer for the game! Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp will be out very soon for the Nintendo Switch. We recently had a preview of the game and we will have a full review later this month. Stay tuned to!…

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Welcome to Re-Boot Camp: An Advanced Look At Advance Wars 1+2

Thanks to Nintendo Canada, we’ve gotten an advanced look at Advance Wars 1+2 Re-boot Camp. The game will be out later this month and we plan to play it a ton more. For now, our preview focuses on the first Advance Wars game. On the Gameboy Advance, there was a game called Advance Wars. It was a strategic turn-based game where you played with troops, tanks, helicopters, and more. The goal of each map was to either take the enemies…

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Front Mission 1st: Remake demo is Live on the Nintendo Switch

Front Mission is a series that I enjoyed playing a lot back in the days of my childhood and it is still my top favorite turn-based tactical strategy game. So as you know FRONT MISSION 1st: Remake was released back in November 2022, and there wasn’t a demo released beforehand. But now the Demo is currently live on the Nintendo Switch and players who are both fans or new to the series can enjoy some parts of the game. Before…

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