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Meg’s Monster

Meg’s Monster is a cute, occasionally disturbing, story about a little girl who becomes best friends with a monster named Roy. Is this cute indie turn-based rpg worth checking out? Here is our review of Meg’s Monster for the Nintendo Switch!


Meg’s Monster is a cute, occasionally disturbing, story about a little girl who becomes best friends with a monster named Roy. Roy and a friend try to help Meg find her mom. And that’s all of the story we’ll tell you. If we told you anything more, we’d be giving away some surprising twists to the story. Meg’s Monster’s story is really well done, for the most part. There did seem to be some padding here and there to extend the game’s length but the story has so many good moments and the game’s ending is perfect.

As for the actual gameplay, its pretty good. The game has a turn-based battle system that looks like old school Pokémon but its pretty different. There is a lot of strategy to the battle system. A lot of the time, Roy can’t be hurt but the goal of the battles is to make sure that Meg doesn’t cry because if she does its game over!

To keep Meg from crying, you’ll have to use toys to cheer Meg up during the battles. There are other types of battles with Roy too, but again, that would be a huge spoiler. The battles are fun, strategic and not always easy. Thank goodness for the Try Again button. Exploration in the game is limited but there are some neat side stories in the game to explore. And the game’s graphics are really good.


Meg’s Monster has very nice, Gameboy Advance style graphics. The game looks like one of the old GBA Pokémon games or Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap. Its graphics are very detailed. The character designs and area designs are fantastic.

Overall, Meg’s Monster is a fantastic game. Its not a very long game and it perhaps could’ve been even shorter, but its story is heartfelt, and its gameplay will appeal to old school rpg fans especially. Meg’s Monster is an excellent addition to the Nintendo Switch eshop.

Meg’s Monster gets 8.5 out of 10.

Thanks to PR Hound for providing a review code for this game. Meg’s Monster will be out on March 2nd, 2023 on the Nintendo Switch eshop!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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