Mario Golf World Tour is an upcoming golf game that will be released for the Nintendo 3DS. It has been almost a year since the announcement of this game in February 2013, and gamers have yet to see much of anything. Although slated for a Summer 2013 release, Nintendo announced a few months later that the game would be delayed into 2014 instead, but were not willing to announce an exact date.
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Ethan: Meteor Hunter Preview
Ethan Meteor Hunter is a puzzle platform game by Seaven Studio. You play as Ethan, a mouse given the power to stop time because he was hit by a meteor. The reason for this isn't explained in the alpha, but perhaps it will be revealed in the full game. Ethan's mission is to collect bits of meteorites as he makes his way through 50 levels. There is a counter at the top of the screen to let you know how many meteorites are in a given level and how many you have collected. It's definitely an original idea, at least from what I’ve seen.
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Jane Jensen’s Moebius – Hands-On
Calling a game “Jane Jensen's Anything” means that people are going to buy it. And for good reason too. Jensen designed and directed the classic Gabriel Knight adventure games; still considered some of the best in the genre. She also designed the underrated Gray Matter a few years ago, and she consulted on the recent indie adventure series Cognition. Her new game is Jane Jensen's Moebius, a spiritual successor to the Gabriel Knight series that lets players control Malachi Rector, an adventurous antique appraiser who becomes entangled in a murder investigation.
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Blood Knights Review
A brand-new downloadable Action-RPG will be heading to PC and other select consoles. Deck13 Interactive and dtp Entertainment is releasing Blood Knights; an RPG set in the world of knights and vampires during the Middle Ages. Game will be released on June 17 2013.
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Company of Heroes 2 Review
Company of Heroes 2 is the longawaited sequel to one of the best strategy games ever, designed to give you the thrill of leading an of highly trained soldiers in some of the bloodiest combat of World War Two. Play your part by engaging in tactical combat with the Germans, help lead Russia from the brink of destruction and fight your way to Berlin.
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