Xbox One has had a few controversial changes before it launched. Many changes according their policies had been made before the console reached the shelves. But, in the end, what did these changes give us? Where the changes for the worse? I’ll talk with you about the Operating System (OS) of the Xbox One and find out what these changes gave us.
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Need For Speed Rivals Review
Need for Speed Rivals is the first new-gen Need for Speed, a franchise that's all about cars, speed and (most of the time) cop chases. In Rivals, you get to choose on which side you are: the cops or the racers. You can switch between the law enforcers and speed addicts any time you visit one of your hideouts.
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Titanfall Review
Titanfall is an online based first person shooter, in which you can acquire a Titan, a giant mech which can either be controlled manually or serve as an AI controlled guardian. Titanfall has received mayor hype, so lets find out if it has been well-founded.
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Ratchet and Clank is Being Remade, Turned into a Movie
Sony announced today during E3 that they’ll be making a remake of the original Ratchet & Clank, alongside a movie for the 2 space traveling beloved heroes. Both the game and the movie will be released next year.
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The Crew – Open World Racing
The Crew is a new game from Ubisoft, due to release on the 11th of November. The Crew features an open world based on the United States of America, from coast to coast. You can customize your vehicle to the terrain you will be driving.
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FIFA 15 – Get emotional
Fifa 15, the newest installment to the ‘everlasting’ franchise, seems to differentiate itself from the long stream of Fifa’s released over the past few decades. The game adds new features, such as the footballer’s ‘emotional intelligence’ and a more living stadium.
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Scalebound Announced
The trailer for Platinum Games' new title, Scalebound, shows us giant monsters, dragons and a possible online open world.
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Panzer Tactics HD Review
Panzer Tactics HD is a tactical World War 2 game. The game features a turn based system in which you can move your units around or attack targets within range. There are 3 different campaigns, each with a different army at your command. You can play as the Allies, Axis or Soviets. Each campaign has its own difficulty, Axis being the easiest and Allies being the hardest.
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Trials Fusion Review
Trials Fusion is the newest title in the physics-defying bike series. In this game, you have to earn medals across a variety of tracks. You earn the medals through completing these stages in a certain time, and beneath a certain crashes. If you're worried about crashing, there are a lot of checkpoints throughout, which you'll soon find are very much needed. The game gets quite difficult at the end, and earning enough medals for the next series of courses might ...
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