Mass effect 3 was released a year ago today, and Bioware is finally ready to be done with it in the form of one last piece of DLC, Citadel. Citadel is not only Mass effect 3’s last expansion but also a sort of send off for the entire trilogy, filled with a story campaign, old faces, funny banter, and tons of mini games to be played. The first half of the DLC gives you a mission in which you deal with a new enemy, while the second half has you catching up with ...
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Resident Evil 6 – Free PC benchmark mode
Are you a resident evil fan but haven’t played resident evil 6 yet? Is the reason because you only own a PC? Really you are one of those like 15 people, well ok then I should tell you that Resident Evil 6 drops for PC on March 22 with all the same content given in the console modes plus a new mode called “The Mercenaries: No Mercy”, which is basically just the existing mercenaries mode for consoles with more baddies.…
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Gears of War 3 Review
Developer Epic Games takes badass gaming to a new level with an excellent conclusion to one of the Xbox 360 greatest trilogies. Gears of War 3, like its predecessors, is a cover based 3rd person shooter that delivers high paced action at every corner. The game play doesn’t change from the previous two games but that isn’t a bad thing and with the addition of some new toys and a new multiplayer mode Gears of War 3 will be played addictively for some time to come.
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NHL 2013 Review
If you asked me 5 years ago to talk to you about EA sports’ new hockey game I would probably look at you funny and walk away. Hell if you asked EA sports 5 years ago to talk about their new hockey game they would say “Hockey game? No I’m pretty sure we just make Madden.” Times have changed and now the NHL game is wildly popular among sports fans and frat boys looking to pass the time between drinks. NHL 2013 is the newest installment and shows off better ...
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