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More Thoughts From Me E3 2017 Edition: Xbox Strikes Back

E3 officially started today with Xbox! I have been very skeptical of Xbox for awhile now. I hoped that I would like today’s presentation, but I didn’t think I would. So my reaction to today’s event surprised me. What did I think of Xbox’s E3 2017 conference? Read on to find out!


The Xbox E3 2017 press conference started a bit rough. Xbox One X? What? Such a lazy and confusing name. And then they went on and on and on about how great it was going to be. Finally, they got to the games and they looked…ok. I wasn’t impressed. Was this going to be another disappointment like last year?

I thought it was going to be a disappointment and then, suddenly, something started to happen. Microsoft started showing back-to-back-to-back games and they looked…amazing. I kept saying wow, that’s cool, and that’s awesome a lot while live tweeting via the Games Reviews twitter today. I was blown away. Xbox was striking back. FINALLY.

Its hard to choose just one game that I was impressed by. There was Anthem, the last game that was shown, which was visually stunning and had awesome gameplay. But there was also Sea of Thieves, Super Lucky’s Tale, Cuphead, and numerous other titles that had my jaw on the floor. This is what Sony did last year. They showed games that were impressive looking, had interesting stories, and cool looking gameplay. How is Sony going to top Microsoft this year!?

I don’t have an Xbox. I’m starting to wish I did. I’m convinced that Xbox One X is something anyone should buy. $499 is a lot to ask for that console, especially when you could buy an Xbox One S for $249 at the moment. Adam Roffel said on twitter that the hardcore would go for the system. I suppose he’s right on that but I’m not sure why. The graphics will likely only be a minor upgrade. And with no exclusive games for the X, I don’t see a real reason other than “I have a lot of money and want to blow it”. Ah well. Microsoft did bring the games!

I was so impressed by a lot of the games that Microsoft showed. It was a very enjoyable show. Plus the Xbox One is getting support for the original Xbox and more for the 360. That’s pretty darn cool. Great going Microsoft! That’s how you start E3. Here’s hoping Sony and Nintendo rise to this challenge and blow us away.

What did you think of the Xbox E3 2017 conference? What was your favorite game shown?

Tomorrow: SONY! Will they do as good as or better than last year? Do they have something that’ll make us forget all about the Xbox? I’ll be back tomorrow with another More Thoughts, plus I’ll be live tweeting Sony’s conference via @GamesReviewscom.

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. I wonder what Adam thought of this conference!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is [email protected]

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